Assistive Product Seitenruder-Funktionsmodul

Product Type:

Aircraft control with leg disabilities


For pilots who cannot use their legs to control the aircraft, there are conversions of various aircraft types.
The rudder is operated with the right hand (right Hand forward: rudder left; right hand back: rudder right) The handbrake can be provided with an extension for better accessibility with the left hand. The device is designed for alternating use in any aircraft and can be installed and removed again in less than half an hour without changing the aircraft being used.
There is a pedal attachment for the Cessna C 172 that enables the rudder and rudder to be operated safely even with a thigh amputation Brake enables: Rudder function module.
The ROLLIFLIEGER call flight schools in the USA that use hand-controlled aircraft to train disabled people.

Approved in the USA for:
  • Piper PA 28, PA 24, PA 32
  • Cessna C 172, C 182, C 177
  • Grumman Tiger and Cheetha
  • Beech Bonanza, Debonair et al.
Approved in France for:
various models of the Soccata-Morane family et al.

Approved in England for:
  • Piper PA 28
  • YAK 52 and others
Approved in Germany for:
  • Morane (individual aircraft)
  • Piper PA 28-140, -180, -151, -161, -181

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Die Rolliflieger
Interessengemeinschaft Luftsport treibender Behinderter e.V.
Schurzstr. 18
63743 Aschaffenburg
Germany Telephone: 06021 960685 Email: Homepage:

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Last Update: 10 May 2021