Assistive Product Würfelspiel Avanti - 6 raus XL taktil

Product Type:

Dice game with tactile board and dice

Areas of Application:

  • visual impairment
  • blindness
  • sighted, blind and visually impaired people


The playing field has an edge length of approximately 21 cm. The game pieces have a height of 3 cm and a diameter of 1.6 cm. On the playing field there are 6 different colored squares (represent dice) with large tactile dots that indicate the number of dice. Due to the size of the game pieces, tactile dots and dice, it is suitable for older people, but also for people whose sense of touch is not so well developed, as well as for people with other disabilities.
In addition, in this variant it is possible to set at which number rolled a stick disappears in the box. This is done using the rotary disc on the underside of the game board.

Features / Components:

  • 24 game pieces for 4 people
  • eye cube 2.5 cm edge length
  • color cube 2.5 cm edge length
  • tactile cube 2.5 cm edge length
  • storage box

Price (without guarantee):

64.50 EUR including VAT
End user price

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Landeshilfsmittelzentrum des Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband Sachsen e. V.
Louis-Braille-Str. 6
01099 Dresden
Germany Telephone: 0351 8090624 Email: Homepage:

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Last Update: 31 Oct 2023