Assistive Product Avanti taktil

Product Type:

Dice game with tactile game board and dice

Areas of Application:

  • Visually impaired
  • Blindness
  • For two people


At the beginning, each person playing only rolls the dice once and places their stick in the slot provided with the matching number. If this slot is already occupied, the players must keep the stick in it. From the second round onwards, each person playing can roll the dice as many times as they like. But once again, as soon as each person playing comes to an occupied slot, they must take the stick and it is the next person's turn to play. If someone rolls the number 6, the stick is put through the middle hole and disappears into the box below. The winner is the person who gets rid of all their sticks first.

Price (without guarantee):

49.90 EUR including VAT.
Retail price

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Ariadne Buchdienst
Angelika von Loeper
Daimlerstr. 23
76185 Karlsruhe
Germany Telephone: 0721 464729-029 Email: Homepage: Homepage:

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Last Update: 28 Nov 2023