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Case Study
Work design for a road maintenance worker


The employer is a highway department of a state highway and transportation agency.

Disability and functional limitation of the employee:

The right leg of the employee is shortened by two centimetres and the right foot is deformed as well as several sizes smaller than the left one. The man is equal to people with severe disabilities. Due to his disability, he needs special orthopaedic shoes so that he can stand and walk without restrictions.

Training and job:

The man works as a road maintenance worker for his employer.

Workplace and work task:

The employee must wear safety shoes due to the potential hazards involved in the road construction work to be performed. Due to his shortening of the leg and the difference in size of the two feet, he cannot wear normal ready-made shoes or safety shoes.
In order to compensate for his shortened right leg and the difference in size of the feet, he contacted an orthopaedic shoemaker. He adjusted the safety shoes accordingly for disability and safety.

Support and participation:

The adaptations suitable for disabled people were supported by the Integration Office. Advice was provided by the specialist engineering service for work design suitable for disabled people of the Integration Office - the so-called Technical Advisory Service - and an orthopaedic shoemaker.

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Last Update: 23 Feb 2016