Training in artistic skills
These products can be used for playing instruments, vocal training, learning drawing and painting techniques as well as acting and dance techniques.
For example, there are braille notes for people with blindness or special painting work tables.
Musical instruments and assistive products for arts and crafts are listed under leisure and sport.
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Products (24)
1 hobby equipment – creative pictorial design
Model: Quadratologo Keilrahmen mit Netz Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Irseer Kreis Versand gGmbH -
2 hobby equipment – creative pictorial design
Model: Malen - Zeichnen - Schreiben Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Irseer Kreis Versand gGmbH -
3 hobby equipment – creative pictorial design – brush
Model: da Vinci Paint-Finger 10er-Set Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Johannes Gerstäcker Verlag GmbH -
4 artistic education – painting aid – work table for painting
Model: MABEF M/30 Mal-Arbeitstisch Manufacturer: MABEF - M.A.B.E.F. S.r.l. Distributor: Johannes Gerstäcker Verlag GmbH -
5 artistic education – training of musical skills – audio cd
Model: Listen Up! Gesamtpaket CD Manufacturer: MED-EL Elektromedizinische Geräte Gesellschaft m.b.H Distributor: MED-EL Elektromedizinische Geräte Gesellschaft m.b.H -
6 artistic education – training of musical skills – braille music notes
Model: Notenservice DaCapo Manufacturer: Deutsches Zentrum für barrierefreies Lesen (dzb lesen) Distributor: Deutsches Zentrum für barrierefreies Lesen (dzb lesen) -
7 musical instrument
Model: Eyewi Manufacturer: Stichting My Breath My Music Distributor: Stichting My Breath My Music -
8 musical instrument – treatment stretcher
Model: Monochord-Behandlungsliege, Modell MoMo Manufacturer: ALLTON Harbeke & Hausser OHG Distributor: ALLTON Harbeke & Hausser OHG -
9 musical instrument – treatment stretcher
Model: Therapie-Monochord Dosch Manufacturer: ALLTON Harbeke & Hausser OHG Distributor: ALLTON Harbeke & Hausser OHG -
10 musical instrument – flute
Model: Sandner-Flöten Linkshänder-Version Manufacturer: Sandner GmbH Distributor: Sandner GmbH -
11 musical instrument – flute
Model: Silberflöten Linkshand Manufacturer: Mehnert Böhmflötenbau GbR Distributor: Mehnert Böhmflötenbau GbR -
12 musical instrument – flute – recorder
Model: Linkshänder Blockflöte - deutsche Griffweise - 2tlg. Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: LAFÜLIKI -
13 musical instrument – harp
Model: Veeh-Harfen Manufacturer: Hermann Veeh GmbH & CO.KG Distributor: Hermann Veeh GmbH & CO.KG -
14 musical instrument – harp
Model: Bausatz ZAUBERHARFE 21saitig Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Die Zauberharfe -
15 musical instrument – harp – sound game
Model: Aeolis Klangspiele Manufacturer: Äolis-Klangspiele Distributor: Äolis-Klangspiele -
16 musical instrument – sound cradle
Model: ALLTON Klangmassage-Schaukelstuhl Manufacturer: ALLTON Harbeke & Hausser OHG Distributor: ALLTON Harbeke & Hausser OHG -
17 musical instrument – holder for mouth-organ
Model: Mundharmonikahalter Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: KÖNIG & MEYER GmbH & Co. KG -
18 musical instrument – orff instrument
Model: Orff-Instrumente Manufacturer: SONOR GmbH Distributor: SONOR GmbH -
19 musical instrument – pedal control for piano
Model: Beißschiene zur ferngesteuerten Flügel-Pedalsteuerung / Rollstuhlfahrer-Klavier Aktuator-Steuerung Manufacturer: UniversitätsKlinikum Heidelberg Distributor: UniversitätsKlinikum Heidelberg | Steingraeber & Söhne KG -
20 musical instrument – pedal control for piano
Model: Pedaladapter für Behinderte Manufacturer: Michiel van Loon Distributor: Michiel van Loon -
21 musical instrument – rattle
Model: SKSET1 Shaker Set SK30, SK35, SK40 Manufacturer: Schlagwerk GmbH Distributor: Schlagwerk GmbH -
22 musical instrument – rhythm instrument
Model: Klang- und Rhythmikwagen Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Riedel GmbH -
23 musical instrument – saxophone
Model: Adaptives Reisesaxophon Manufacturer: Stichting My Breath My Music Distributor: Stichting My Breath My Music -
24 musical instrument – xylophone – drum
Model: Allton Tischtrommel 60 cm Manufacturer: ALLTON Harbeke & Hausser OHG Distributor: ALLTON Harbeke & Hausser OHG