Attention training
The ability to concentrate, reaction behavior as well as visual, selective and focused attentiveness can be trained with picture boards or software, for example.
The training aids are used, for example, for brain damage with severe reaction slowness, attentiveness deficit syndromes (ADD) or reading and spelling difficulties (LRS).
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Products (50)
1 vocational training – training of cognitive skills – app
Model: Mefacilyta Desktop Manufacturer: Fundación Vodafone España Distributor: Google Ireland Limited -
2 vocational training – training of cognitive skills – app
Model: InA.Coach Manufacturer: BOS Connect GmbH Distributor: Apple Inc. (iTunes) | Google Ireland Limited -
3 vocational training – training of cognitive skills – app, prototype
Model: RehaGOal Manufacturer: Ostfalia Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Distributor: keine Angaben -
4 puzzle – game of skill
Model: Rinnenrallye Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: DUSYMA Kindergartenbedarf GmbH -
5 puzzle – game of skill
Model: Pedalo Kugelfangspiel Manufacturer: Holz-Hoerz GmbH Distributor: Holz-Hoerz GmbH -
6 perception training – perception training
Model: Adlerauge Anyel Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Testzentrale eTests - Hogrefe Verlag GmbH & Co. KG -
7 perception training – software for perception training
Model: Emil und Pauline in Rabbit City Manufacturer: United Soft Media Verlag GmbH Distributor: GmbH & Co. KG -
8 perception training – perceptual discrimination – sand filled mat
Model: Sanddecken / Gewichtsdecken / Beschwerungsdecken in verschiedenen Größen und Gewichten Manufacturer: Beluga Tauchsport GmbH Distributor: Beluga Tauchsport GmbH -
9 perception training – perceptual discrimination – sand filled mat
Model: LEVIA Gewichtsdecke Manufacturer: Koleber und von Otto GbR (LEVIA Blanket) Distributor: Koleber und von Otto GbR (LEVIA Blanket) -
10 perception training – perceptual discrimination – sand filled mat
Model: Beschwerungsdecke Flauschi Manufacturer: Beluga Tauchsport GmbH Distributor: Beluga Tauchsport GmbH -
11 training of cognitive skills
Model: RehaCom Trainingssoftware Visuomotorische Koordination WISO Manufacturer: HASOMED GmbH Distributor: HASOMED GmbH -
12 training of cognitive skills
Model: Denkspiele mit Elfe und Mathis Manufacturer: Psychometrica - Institut für psychologische Diagnostik Distributor: Testzentrale eTests - Hogrefe Verlag GmbH & Co. KG -
13 training of cognitive skills – attention training
Model: Mente Autism Manufacturer: AAT Medical Distributor: AAT Medical -
14 training of cognitive skills – software for training attention
Model: KonZen 2.0 Manufacturer: LIFEtool gemeinnützige GmbH Distributor: REHAVISTA GmbH -
15 training of cognitive skills – software for training attention
Model: Trainingsprogramm Intelligenztrainer Manufacturer: Eugen Traeger Verlag Entwicklung u. Vertrieb von Lern- u. Therapie-Software Distributor: Eugen Traeger Verlag Entwicklung u. Vertrieb von Lern- u. Therapie-Software -
16 training of cognitive skills – software for training attention
Model: CogniPlus Trainingssoftware VIG Vigilanz Manufacturer: SCHUHFRIED GmbH Distributor: PsyExpert e.K. -
17 training of cognitive skills – software for training attention
Model: CogniPlus Trainingssoftware ALERT Alertness Manufacturer: SCHUHFRIED GmbH Distributor: PsyExpert e.K. -
18 training of cognitive skills – software for training attention
Model: CogniPlus Trainingssoftware FOCUS Aufmerksamkeit:Fokusiert Manufacturer: SCHUHFRIED GmbH Distributor: PsyExpert e.K. -
19 training of cognitive skills – software for training attention
Model: CogniPlus Trainingssoftware SELECT Selektive Aufmerksamkeit Manufacturer: SCHUHFRIED GmbH Distributor: PsyExpert e.K. -
20 training of cognitive skills – software for training attention
Model: CogniPlus Trainingssoftware SPACE Visuell-räumliche Aufmerksamkeit Manufacturer: SCHUHFRIED GmbH Distributor: PsyExpert e.K. -
21 training of cognitive skills – software for training attention
Model: CogniPlus Trainingssoftware DIVID Aufmerksamkeit: Geteilt Manufacturer: SCHUHFRIED GmbH Distributor: PsyExpert e.K. -
22 training of cognitive skills – software for training attention
Model: RehaCom-Trainingssoftware Vigilanz 2 VIG2 Manufacturer: HASOMED GmbH Distributor: HASOMED GmbH -
23 training of cognitive skills – software for training attention
Model: RehaCom-Trainingssoftware Geteilte Aufmerksamkeit GEAU Manufacturer: HASOMED GmbH Distributor: HASOMED GmbH -
24 training of cognitive skills – software for training attention
Model: RehaCom-Trainingssoftware Sakkadentraining SAKA Manufacturer: HASOMED GmbH Distributor: HASOMED GmbH -
25 training of cognitive skills – software for training attention
Model: Trainingsprogramm COGPACK Manufacturer: Marker Software - Klaus Marker Distributor: Marker Software - Klaus Marker -
26 training of cognitive skills – software for training attention
Model: Therapieprogramm A la carte 1.2 Manufacturer: flexoft -Softwareentwicklung und -vertrieb für Therapie und Sonderpädagogik Distributor: flexoft -Softwareentwicklung und -vertrieb für Therapie und Sonderpädagogik -
27 training of cognitive skills – software for training attention
Model: RehaCom Trainingssoftware Übungen Aufmerksamkeit BAUF Manufacturer: HASOMED GmbH Distributor: HASOMED GmbH -
28 training of cognitive skills – software for training attention
Model: RehaCom Trainingssoftware Multimodales Beobachten VIDE Manufacturer: HASOMED GmbH Distributor: HASOMED GmbH -
29 training of cognitive skills – software for training attention
Model: RehaCom Trainingssoftware Geteilte Aufmerksamkeit 2 GEA2 Manufacturer: HASOMED GmbH Distributor: HASOMED GmbH -
30 training of cognitive skills – software for training attention
Model: RehaCom-Trainingssoftware Akustische Reaktionsfähigkeit AKRE Manufacturer: HASOMED GmbH Distributor: HASOMED GmbH -
31 training of cognitive skills – software for training attention
Model: RehaCom Trainingssoftware Geistige Aktivierung AKTI Manufacturer: HASOMED GmbH Distributor: HASOMED GmbH -
32 training of cognitive skills – software for training attention
Model: RehaCom Trainingssoftware Reaktionsfähigkeit REA1 Manufacturer: HASOMED GmbH Distributor: HASOMED GmbH -
33 training of cognitive skills – software for training attention
Model: RehaCom Trainingssoftware Raumoperation 3D RO3D Manufacturer: HASOMED GmbH Distributor: HASOMED GmbH -
34 training of cognitive skills – software for training attention
Model: RehaCom-Trainingssoftware Reaktionsverhalten REVE Manufacturer: HASOMED GmbH Distributor: HASOMED GmbH -
35 training of cognitive skills – software for training attention
Model: RehaCom-Trainingssoftware Aufmerksamkeit und Konzentration AUFM Manufacturer: HASOMED GmbH Distributor: HASOMED GmbH -
36 training of cognitive skills – software for training attention
Model: IQKids® Fit im Denken Spielekiste Manufacturer: KHS Know How Systems Ges. f. Berufsforschung u. Multimedia-Entwicklung mbH Distributor: KHS Know How Systems Ges. f. Berufsforschung u. Multimedia-Entwicklung mbH -
37 training of cognitive skills – software for training attention – software for memory training
Model: RehaCom Trainingssoftware Alertness ALTA Manufacturer: HASOMED GmbH Distributor: HASOMED GmbH -
38 training of cognitive skills – software for training attention – software for memory training
Model: RehaCom Trainingssoftware Visuokonstruktive Fähigkeiten KONS Manufacturer: HASOMED GmbH Distributor: HASOMED GmbH -
39 training of cognitive skills – software for memory training
Model: De BeleefTV Manufacturer: De BeleefTV Distributor: De BeleefTV -
40 training of cognitive skills – software for memory training
Model: Eins aus Drei Manufacturer: kommhelp e.V. Distributor: kommhelp e.V. -
41 training of cognitive skills – software for memory training
Model: KommKogni Manufacturer: kommhelp e.V. Distributor: kommhelp e.V. -
42 training of cognitive skills – software for memory training
Model: RehaCom Trainingssoftware Übungen Gedächtnis GEDA Manufacturer: HASOMED GmbH Distributor: HASOMED GmbH -
43 training of cognitive skills – software for memory training
Model: RehaCom-Trainingssoftware Plan a Holiday PLAN Manufacturer: HASOMED GmbH Distributor: HASOMED GmbH -
44 training of cognitive skills – software for memory training
Model: RehaCom Trainingssoftware Rechentraining CALC Manufacturer: HASOMED GmbH Distributor: HASOMED GmbH -
45 training of cognitive skills – software for memory training
Model: RehaCom Trainingssoftware visuelles Rekonstruktionstraining RESE Manufacturer: HASOMED GmbH Distributor: HASOMED GmbH -
46 training of cognitive skills – software for memory training
Model: RehaCom-Trainingssoftware Einkauf EINK Manufacturer: HASOMED GmbH Distributor: HASOMED GmbH -
47 training of cognitive skills – software for memory training
Model: RehaCom Trainingssoftware Arbeitsgedächtnis WOME Manufacturer: HASOMED GmbH Distributor: HASOMED GmbH -
48 training of cognitive skills – software for memory training – app
Model: MS Kognition Manufacturer: Deutsche Multiple Sklerose Gesellschaft Bundesverband e. V. Distributor: Apple Inc. (iTunes) | Google Ireland Limited -
49 training of cognitive skills – software for training the powers of imagination
Model: RehaCom-Trainingssoftware Raumoperationen 3D RO3D Manufacturer: HASOMED GmbH Distributor: HASOMED GmbH -
50 training of cognitive skills – stimulator
Model: Evy Light Manufacturer: OptoCeutics ApS Distributor: OptoCeutics ApS