Training of alternative and aided communication

Other forms of communication such as lip reading, sign language, braille, cued speech or communication with pictures replace verbal language. Braille pegboards for braille training, photo cards for communication with pictures or posters with the finger alphabet are exemplary training aids.

AAC serves people with motor or cognitive speech disorders who are unable to communicate with others through spoken language, or can do so only to a very limited extent.

  • Finger language (also finger alphabet) is used for people with deafness and hearing loss to spell a word using their fingers.
  • Sign language is a non-linguistic form of communication for people with deafness that accompanies natural speech or replaces it with facial expressions, gestures and body language such as sign language.
  • With lip reading, people with deafness and hearing loss can visually recognize and understand what other people are saying through their lip movements.
  • Cued speech supports spoken language through hand signals.
  • Braille code is a writing system with letters made of tactile dots used by people with blindness.
  • When communicating with symbols, simplified images represent information such as pictograms. Pictures and drawings can also be used to illustrate whole words or sentences.
  • Bliss language is used to communicate through a special collection of pictorial signs that represent specific concepts. Bliss communication is a method of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC).
  • Morse code is used for Morse communication. Morse code is a coded alphabet in which each letter corresponds to a specific sequence of sounds or signals.

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