Assistive Product Texte für die neurologische Rehabilitation

Product Type:

Book for text comprehension training
Title: Texts for neurological rehabilitation, the new material for the therapy of text processing disorders in aphasia
Author: Bernhard Riedel

Areas of Application:

  • speech therapy
  • aphasia
  • vocational rehabilitation
  • memory training


The folder contains 15 newspaper messages, which are intended to arouse the curiosity of the reader by a sensation at the beginning. From this sensation the further text content develops. For each text there are three task sheets, one with sentence verifications, one with multiple choice tasks and one with open questions about the text. The tasks are already suitable for patients with moderate to severe text comprehension disorders.

Features / Components:

  • for each text there are different types of tasks:
  • eight to ten statements each, which are to be compared with the text information
  • six multiple-choice tasks each with four possible solutions
  • eight to ten open questions each, which are formulated according to certain text information

Price (without guarantee):

80,00 EUR
(end user price incl. VAT)
Price date: 31.01.2023

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ProLog Therapie- und Lernmittel GmbH
Olpener Str. 59
51103 Köln
Germany Telephone: 0221 66091-0 Email: Homepage:

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Last Update: 31 Jan 2023