Voice training and speech training
Software and other assistive products develop and improve voice use and speech, especially the production and perception of sounds.
The training aids are used, for example, for perceptual weaknesses and disorders, impaired hearing, speech development delays and disorders, mental developmental delays and reading and spelling difficulties.
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Products (53)
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1 movement training apparatus – biofeedback device – correction mirror
Model: Klappspiegel Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: HABA Sales GmbH & Co. KG -
2 communication training – software for training reading skills
Model: Flashwords AAC Manufacturer: LIFEtool gemeinnützige GmbH Distributor: RehaMedia -
3 communication training – software for speech training
Model: Lateraltraining AlphaTrainer Set Manufacturer: MediTECH Electronic GmbH Distributor: MediTECH Electronic GmbH -
4 communication training – software for speech training
Model: Trainingsprogramm LogoPrax 3.0 / Aphasie-Heimtraining Manufacturer: EDV & Umwelt Consulting Andreas Wendt Distributor: EDV & Umwelt Consulting Andreas Wendt -
5 communication training – software for speech training
Model: Hörtrainingsprogramm AudioLog 4 Manufacturer: flexoft -Softwareentwicklung und -vertrieb für Therapie und Sonderpädagogik Distributor: flexoft -Softwareentwicklung und -vertrieb für Therapie und Sonderpädagogik -
6 communication training – software for speech training
Model: Sprachkompetenz Manufacturer: Eugen Traeger Verlag Entwicklung u. Vertrieb von Lern- u. Therapie-Software Distributor: Eugen Traeger Verlag Entwicklung u. Vertrieb von Lern- u. Therapie-Software -
7 communication training – software for speech training
Model: Audio 2 - Sprachwahrnehmung Manufacturer: Eugen Traeger Verlag Entwicklung u. Vertrieb von Lern- u. Therapie-Software Distributor: Eugen Traeger Verlag Entwicklung u. Vertrieb von Lern- u. Therapie-Software -
8 communication training – software for speech training
Model: Laute unterscheiden Manufacturer: Eugen Traeger Verlag Entwicklung u. Vertrieb von Lern- u. Therapie-Software Distributor: Eugen Traeger Verlag Entwicklung u. Vertrieb von Lern- u. Therapie-Software -
9 communication training – software for speech training
Model: Trainingsprogramm Elektroblinker Manufacturer: Eugen Traeger Verlag Entwicklung u. Vertrieb von Lern- u. Therapie-Software Distributor: Eugen Traeger Verlag Entwicklung u. Vertrieb von Lern- u. Therapie-Software -
10 communication training – software for speech training
Model: Trainingsprogramm Satzroulett 2.0 Manufacturer: EDV & Umwelt Consulting Andreas Wendt Distributor: EDV & Umwelt Consulting Andreas Wendt -
11 communication training – software for speech training
Model: ShowMe AAC 2.0 Manufacturer: RehaMedia Distributor: RehaMedia -
12 communication training – software for speech training
Model: Revivo Computergestützte Aphasie-Therapie Manufacturer: Christoph Silex Distributor: Christoph Silex | kommhelp e.V. -
13 communication training – software for speech training
Model: Memocorby Med Set Manufacturer: Memocorby Systems GmbH Distributor: Memocorby Systems GmbH -
14 communication training – software for speech training – app
Model: Online-Training bei Aphasie Manufacturer: La Trobe University Distributor: im Internet kostenlos zugänglich -
15 communication training – software for speech training – app
Model: Aphasie-App für Patienten und Patientinnen Manufacturer: Limendix GmbH Distributor: Limendix GmbH -
16 communication training – software for speech training – app
Model: neolexon Artikulations-App Manufacturer: Limendix GmbH Distributor: Limendix GmbH -
17 communication training – software for speech training – app
Model: Aphasie-App für Therapeuten und Therapeutinnen Manufacturer: Limendix GmbH Distributor: Limendix GmbH -
18 communication training – speech training
Model: miniLÜK Richtig sprechen SCH Manufacturer: Westermann GmbH & Co. KG Distributor: Westermann GmbH & Co. KG -
19 communication training – speech training
Model: miniLÜK Richtig sprechen S Manufacturer: Westermann GmbH & Co. KG Distributor: Westermann GmbH & Co. KG -
20 communication training – speech training
Model: Texte für die neurologische Rehabilitation Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: ProLog Therapie- und Lernmittel GmbH -
21 communication training – speech training
Model: Logicon Manufacturer: ProLog Therapie- und Lernmittel GmbH Distributor: ProLog Therapie- und Lernmittel GmbH -
22 communication training – speech training
Model: Symbolix Haushalt Manufacturer: ProLog Therapie- und Lernmittel GmbH Distributor: ProLog Therapie- und Lernmittel GmbH -
23 communication training – speech training
Model: Symbolix /SCH/+Konsonant im Anlaut Manufacturer: ProLog Therapie- und Lernmittel GmbH Distributor: ProLog Therapie- und Lernmittel GmbH -
24 communication training – speech training
Model: Ora-Light Hilfsmittel für Sprechmotorikübungen, klein / Ora-Light Hilfsmittel für Sprechmotorikübungen, groß Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: K2-Verlag GmbH -
25 communication training – speech training
Model: Whisper Phone Headset Junior / Senior Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Ariadne Buchdienst -
26 communication training – speech training – sound articulation mirror
Model: Logopädie-Spiegel Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: ivo haas Lehrmittelversand und Verlag GmbH -
27 communication training – speech training – memory game
Model: Zwillingsbilder Manufacturer: TRIALOGO Verlag -Tobias Bücklein & Thomas Joekel GbR Distributor: TRIALOGO Verlag -Tobias Bücklein & Thomas Joekel GbR -
28 communication training – speech training – nose flute
Model: Nasenflöte Manufacturer: ProLog Therapie- und Lernmittel GmbH Distributor: ProLog Therapie- und Lernmittel GmbH -
29 communication training – speech training – nose flute
Model: Nasen-Flöte Manufacturer: ProLog Therapie- und Lernmittel GmbH Distributor: ProLog Therapie- und Lernmittel GmbH -
30 communication training – speech training – quartet
Model: LogoTRIOs Manufacturer: TRIALOGO Verlag -Tobias Bücklein & Thomas Joekel GbR Distributor: TRIALOGO Verlag -Tobias Bücklein & Thomas Joekel GbR -
31 communication training – speech training – dummy
Model: Flow-Ball Ultra Manufacturer: ProLog Therapie- und Lernmittel GmbH Distributor: ProLog Therapie- und Lernmittel GmbH -
32 communication training – speech training – dummy
Model: NUK Saugtrainer nach Padovan Manufacturer: ProLog Therapie- und Lernmittel GmbH Distributor: ProLog Therapie- und Lernmittel GmbH -
33 communication training – speech training – therapy game
Model: Turbino Manufacturer: Westermann GmbH & Co. KG Distributor: Fachhandel -
34 communication training – speech training – therapy game
Model: Plappersack Basisspiel Manufacturer: TRIALOGO Verlag -Tobias Bücklein & Thomas Joekel GbR Distributor: TRIALOGO Verlag -Tobias Bücklein & Thomas Joekel GbR -
35 communication training – speech training – therapy game
Model: Ballovent Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: K2-Verlag GmbH -
36 short-distance communication – dialogue unit
Model: StepPad Manufacturer: Attainment Company, Inc. Distributor: Fachhandel -
37 short-distance communication – dialogue unit
Model: TD Navio Manufacturer: Tobii Dynavox AB Distributor: epitech GmbH -
38 short-distance communication – dialogue unit
Model: ductus Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: epitech GmbH -
39 short-distance communication – dialogue unit
Model: phasicom Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: epitech GmbH -
40 short-distance communication – dialogue unit
Model: flexible Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: epitech GmbH -
41 short-distance communication – dialogue unit
Model: tobii dynavox I-110 Manufacturer: Tobii Dynavox AB Distributor: epitech GmbH -
42 short-distance communication – dialogue unit
Model: Tobii I-13 / Tobii I-16 Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: epitech GmbH -
43 short-distance communication – dialogue unit
Model: Tobii Dynavox I-13 / Tobii Dynavox I-16 Manufacturer: Tobii Dynavox AB Distributor: RehaMedia -
44 short-distance communication – dialogue unit
Model: ProxTalker mit Kartenset Mädchen Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: REHAVISTA GmbH -
45 training of different subjects – mother language training
Model: Klappbare Satzbautafel, durchsichtig Manufacturer: Augmentative Resources Inc Distributor: REHAVISTA GmbH -
46 training of different subjects – mother language training
Model: Memogym 2 - Ober- und Unterbegriffe Manufacturer: ProLog Therapie- und Lernmittel GmbH Distributor: ProLog Therapie- und Lernmittel GmbH -
47 training of different subjects – mother language training
Model: Memogym I - Handlungen Manufacturer: ProLog Therapie- und Lernmittel GmbH Distributor: ProLog Therapie- und Lernmittel GmbH -
48 training of different subjects – mother language training
Model: Sprachlernkommode Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: HABA Sales GmbH & Co. KG -
49 training of different subjects – mother language training – educational game
Model: WerWieWas Kompakt Manufacturer: TRIALOGO Verlag -Tobias Bücklein & Thomas Joekel GbR Distributor: TRIALOGO Verlag -Tobias Bücklein & Thomas Joekel GbR -
50 training of different subjects – mother language training – speech education
Model: 30 Spiele zur Sprachförderung Manufacturer: AAP Lehrerfachverlage GmbH Distributor: AAP Lehrerfachverlage GmbH
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