Reading training
These educational software and other assistive products develop and improve reading skills. Examples include wooden or capital letters for learning to read or software for displaying pictures and related concepts.
Target groups include people with difficulties acquiring written language, reading and spelling difficulties, general learning difficulties, perceptual and attention disorders or people with brain damage and mental disabilities.
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Products (62)
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1 communication training – training of reading skills
Model: Gelesen! - Verstanden? Manufacturer: Westermann GmbH & Co. KG Distributor: Westermann GmbH & Co. KG -
2 communication training – training of reading skills
Model: Das Lese-Trainingsprogramm - Satzebene Manufacturer: ProLog Therapie- und Lernmittel GmbH Distributor: ProLog Therapie- und Lernmittel GmbH -
3 communication training – training of reading skills
Model: miniLÜK Ich lerne lesen 1+2 Manufacturer: Westermann GmbH & Co. KG Distributor: Westermann GmbH & Co. KG -
4 communication training – training of reading skills
Model: Wort für Wort Manufacturer: Ravensburger Spieleverlag GmbH Distributor: Ravensburger Spieleverlag GmbH -
5 communication training – software for training reading skills
Model: Laute unterscheiden Manufacturer: Eugen Traeger Verlag Entwicklung u. Vertrieb von Lern- u. Therapie-Software Distributor: Eugen Traeger Verlag Entwicklung u. Vertrieb von Lern- u. Therapie-Software -
6 communication training – software for training reading skills
Model: Basistraining Lesen CD 1 Manufacturer: Eugen Traeger Verlag Entwicklung u. Vertrieb von Lern- u. Therapie-Software Distributor: Eugen Traeger Verlag Entwicklung u. Vertrieb von Lern- u. Therapie-Software -
7 communication training – software for training reading skills
Model: Basistraining Lesen CD 2 Manufacturer: Eugen Traeger Verlag Entwicklung u. Vertrieb von Lern- u. Therapie-Software Distributor: Eugen Traeger Verlag Entwicklung u. Vertrieb von Lern- u. Therapie-Software -
8 communication training – software for training reading skills
Model: Trainingsprogramm Phonologische Bewusstheit MIMAMO Manufacturer: Eugen Traeger Verlag Entwicklung u. Vertrieb von Lern- u. Therapie-Software Distributor: Eugen Traeger Verlag Entwicklung u. Vertrieb von Lern- u. Therapie-Software -
9 communication training – software for training reading skills
Model: Universelles Worttraining (UniWort), Professionell Manufacturer: Eugen Traeger Verlag Entwicklung u. Vertrieb von Lern- u. Therapie-Software Distributor: Eugen Traeger Verlag Entwicklung u. Vertrieb von Lern- u. Therapie-Software -
10 communication training – software for training reading skills
Model: Karibu - Ausgabe 2009 Manufacturer: Westermann GmbH & Co. KG Distributor: Westermann GmbH & Co. KG -
11 communication training – software for training reading skills
Model: Lernsoftware Richtig lesen lernen Manufacturer: celeco GmbH Distributor: celeco GmbH -
12 communication training – software for training reading skills
Model: CESAR Lesen 2 Manufacturer: CES VERLAG Computer Educations Systems GmbH Distributor: CES VERLAG Computer Educations Systems GmbH -
13 communication training – software for training reading skills
Model: CESAR Lesen 1.1 Manufacturer: CES VERLAG Computer Educations Systems GmbH Distributor: CES VERLAG Computer Educations Systems GmbH -
14 communication training – software for training reading skills
Model: Lernsoftware LolliPop Multimedia 2. Klasse Manufacturer: Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Distributor: Cornelsen Verlag GmbH -
15 communication training – software for training reading skills
Model: Flashwords AAC Manufacturer: LIFEtool gemeinnützige GmbH Distributor: RehaMedia -
16 communication training – software for training reading skills
Model: Emil und Pauline in der Südsee 2.0 Manufacturer: United Soft Media Verlag GmbH Distributor: United Soft Media Verlag GmbH -
17 communication training – software for training reading skills
Model: Alfons Lernwelt Deutsch 1- 6 Manufacturer: Westermann GmbH & Co. KG Distributor: Westermann GmbH & Co. KG -
18 communication training – software for training reading skills
Model: Lernsoftware Fara und Fu Ausgabe 2013 Arbeitshefte 1 und 2 Manufacturer: Westermann GmbH & Co. KG Distributor: Westermann GmbH & Co. KG -
19 communication training – software for training reading skills
Model: Sprach- und Rechenspiele für die 2. Klasse Manufacturer: United Soft Media Verlag GmbH -
20 communication training – software for training reading skills
Model: Emil und Pauline in der 3. Klasse Manufacturer: United Soft Media Verlag GmbH Distributor: Amazon Europe Core S.à r.l. -
21 communication training – software for training reading skills
Model: Emil und Pauline auf Madagaskar Manufacturer: United Soft Media Verlag GmbH Distributor: United Soft Media Verlag GmbH -
22 communication training – software for training reading skills
Model: Emil und Pauline auf dem Spielplatz Manufacturer: United Soft Media Verlag GmbH Distributor: United Soft Media Verlag GmbH -
23 communication training – software for training reading skills
Model: Fara und Fu 1, Ausgabe 2007 Manufacturer: Westermann GmbH & Co. KG Distributor: Westermann GmbH & Co. KG -
24 communication training – software for training reading skills
Model: Fara und Fu, Ausgabe 2013 Manufacturer: Westermann GmbH & Co. KG Distributor: Westermann GmbH & Co. KG -
25 communication training – software for training reading skills
Model: Lesespiele mit Elfe und Mathis Manufacturer: Testzentrale eTests - Hogrefe Verlag GmbH & Co. KG Distributor: Testzentrale eTests - Hogrefe Verlag GmbH & Co. KG -
26 communication training – software for training reading skills
Model: ELFE II - Ein Leseverständnistest für Erst- bis Siebtklässler Manufacturer: Hogrefe Verlag GmbH & Co. KG Distributor: Testzentrale eTests - Hogrefe Verlag GmbH & Co. KG | Psychometrica - Institut für psychologische Diagnostik -
27 communication training – software for training reading skills
Model: Lernsoftware Klasse 3/4 Manufacturer: Meik Stoll Software-Entwicklung und Vertrieb Distributor: Meik Stoll Software-Entwicklung und Vertrieb -
28 communication training – software for training reading skills
Model: Lernprogramm Klasse 2 Manufacturer: Meik Stoll Software-Entwicklung und Vertrieb Distributor: Meik Stoll Software-Entwicklung und Vertrieb -
29 communication training – software for training reading skills
Model: Budenberg Lernsoftware Manufacturer: Meik Stoll Software-Entwicklung und Vertrieb Distributor: Meik Stoll Software-Entwicklung und Vertrieb -
30 communication training – software for training reading skills
Model: Lernprogramme Klasse 5/6 Manufacturer: Meik Stoll Software-Entwicklung und Vertrieb Distributor: Meik Stoll Software-Entwicklung und Vertrieb -
31 communication training – software for training reading skills – prototype
Model: EasyReading Manufacturer: Technische Universität Dortmund Distributor: keine Angaben -
32 communication training – software for training reading skills – software for mathematics skills
Model: Lernsoftware LolliPop Multimedia 1. Klasse Manufacturer: Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Distributor: Cornelsen Verlag GmbH -
33 communication training – software for training reading skills – software for mathematics skills
Model: Lernsoftware LolliPop Deutsch/Mathematik 3. Klasse Manufacturer: Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Distributor: Cornelsen Verlag GmbH -
34 communication training – software for training reading skills – software for training writing skills
Model: Punktum Manufacturer: Deutscher Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband e.V. Distributor: Deutscher Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband e.V. -
35 communication training – software for training reading skills – software for training writing skills
Model: SprintPlus Manufacturer: Jabbla Distributor: Reinecker Prolexia GmbH -
36 communication training – software for training reading skills – software for training writing skills
Model: Anagramm Manufacturer: ProLog Therapie- und Lernmittel GmbH Distributor: ProLog Therapie- und Lernmittel GmbH -
37 communication training – software for training writing skills
Model: Die Wortbaustelle Manufacturer: Eugen Traeger Verlag Entwicklung u. Vertrieb von Lern- u. Therapie-Software Distributor: Eugen Traeger Verlag Entwicklung u. Vertrieb von Lern- u. Therapie-Software -
38 communication training – software for training writing skills
Model: Lernprogramm Diktattrainer Manufacturer: Eugen Traeger Verlag Entwicklung u. Vertrieb von Lern- u. Therapie-Software Distributor: Eugen Traeger Verlag Entwicklung u. Vertrieb von Lern- u. Therapie-Software -
39 communication training – software for training writing skills
Model: Lesen und Schreiben lernen Manufacturer: Eugen Traeger Verlag Entwicklung u. Vertrieb von Lern- u. Therapie-Software Distributor: Eugen Traeger Verlag Entwicklung u. Vertrieb von Lern- u. Therapie-Software -
40 communication training – software for training writing skills
Model: Trainingsprogramm Hören-Sehen-Schreiben Manufacturer: Eugen Traeger Verlag Entwicklung u. Vertrieb von Lern- u. Therapie-Software Distributor: Eugen Traeger Verlag Entwicklung u. Vertrieb von Lern- u. Therapie-Software -
41 communication training – software for training writing skills
Model: Legasthenie-Software Tintenklex Manufacturer: Tintenklex Legasthenie Software Distributor: Tintenklex Legasthenie Software -
42 communication training – software for training writing skills
Model: Fit für den Schulstart: Buchstaben Manufacturer: KHS Know How Systems Ges. f. Berufsforschung u. Multimedia-Entwicklung mbH Distributor: KHS Know How Systems Ges. f. Berufsforschung u. Multimedia-Entwicklung mbH -
43 communication training – software for training writing skills
Model: Deutsch-Paket Diktattrainer Grundschule Manufacturer: KHS Know How Systems Ges. f. Berufsforschung u. Multimedia-Entwicklung mbH Distributor: KHS Know How Systems Ges. f. Berufsforschung u. Multimedia-Entwicklung mbH -
44 communication training – software for training writing skills
Model: Lernpaket Grundschule 2019 Manufacturer: Franzis Verlag GmbH Distributor: Amazon Europe Core S.à r.l. -
45 communication training – software for training writing skills
Model: Pusteblume - Das Arbeitsheft (2. Schuljahr) Manufacturer: Westermann GmbH & Co. KG Distributor: Westermann GmbH & Co. KG -
46 communication training – software for training writing skills
Model: Pusteblume - Das Arbeitsheft (1. Schuljahr) Manufacturer: Westermann GmbH & Co. KG Distributor: Westermann GmbH & Co. KG -
47 communication training – software for training writing skills
Model: Pusteblume - Das Arbeitsheft (3. Schuljahr) Manufacturer: Westermann GmbH & Co. KG Distributor: Westermann GmbH & Co. KG -
48 communication training – software for training writing skills
Model: Lesen 2000 plus Rechtschreibtrainer 4.0 Manufacturer: Hans Zybura Software Distributor: Hans Zybura Software -
49 communication training – software for training writing skills
Model: ITS Therapiemodul Schriftsprachproduktion Manufacturer: NCSys UG (haftungsbeschränkt) & Co. KG Distributor: NCSys UG (haftungsbeschränkt) & Co. KG -
50 communication training – software for training writing skills
Model: Lernsoftware Vokabeltrainer Manufacturer: Curtsoft Distributor: Curtsoft
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