Stimulators for pain treatment
Electrical stimulation devices usually use stimulation current of different frequencies. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) stimulates the nerves by means of electrical impulses through the skin. The aim is to change nerve sensitivity and reduce sensitivity to pain.
The aims of therapy are, for example, to eliminate or reduce acute or chronic pain and thus possibly reduce the need to take painkillers or to restore motor functions - for example after lumbago, stroke or paraplegia.
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Products (46)
1 muscle stimulator / continence stimulator
Model: PierenFemme Manufacturer: Pierenkemper GmbH -
2 muscle stimulator – biofeedback device
Model: DuoBravo N und DuoBravo U Manufacturer: MTR+ Vertriebs GmbH Distributor: MTR+ Vertriebs GmbH -
3 neural stimulator / muscle stimulator – continence stimulator
Model: INNOVO, Beckenbodentrainer Manufacturer: Atlantic Therapeutics Ltd Distributor: Atlantic Therapeutics Ltd -
4 neural stimulator / muscle stimulator – continence stimulator
Model: Biolito - Inkontinenz-Therapiegerät Manufacturer: MTR+ Vertriebs GmbH Distributor: MTR+ Vertriebs GmbH -
5 cell growth stimulation – magnetic field-therapy system / tinnitus masker
Model: Magnetovital 200 T / 200 F Manufacturer: SL-Medizintechnik GmbH Distributor: SL-Medizintechnik GmbH -
6 stimulation device – stimulator for pain treatment
Model: DC-Stimulator Mobile Manufacturer: neurocare group AG Distributor: neurocare group AG -
7 stimulator for pain treatment – neural stimulator
Model: NOVAFON lite Manufacturer: NOVAFON Elektromedizinische Geräte GmbH Distributor: NOVAFON Elektromedizinische Geräte GmbH -
8 stimulator for pain treatment – neural stimulator
Model: Painmate H5 2000 D Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Schlick Medizintechnik e.K. -
9 stimulator for pain treatment – neural stimulator
Model: TENS Therapy Reizstromgerät EW6021 Manufacturer: Panasonic Marketing Europe GmbH Distributor: Apotheken | Sanitätsfachhandel -
10 stimulator for pain treatment – neural stimulator
Model: EW6011 Manufacturer: Panasonic Marketing Europe GmbH Distributor: Apotheken | Sanitätsfachhandel -
11 stimulator for pain treatment – neural stimulator
Model: Tens 1000 s Manufacturer: promed GmbH Kosmetische Erzeugnisse Distributor: promed GmbH Kosmetische Erzeugnisse -
12 stimulator for pain treatment – neural stimulator
Model: Painmate H5 2000 Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Schlick Medizintechnik e.K. -
13 stimulator for pain treatment – neural stimulator
Model: Ten 240 Manufacturer: Handelshaus Dittmann GmbH Distributor: Handelshaus Dittmann GmbH -
14 stimulator for pain treatment – neural stimulator
Model: OMRON E3 Intense Manufacturer: OMRON Medizintechnik Handelsgesellschaft mbH Distributor: OMRON Medizintechnik Handelsgesellschaft mbH -
15 stimulator for pain treatment – neural stimulator
Model: Life Tens Manufacturer: Sanowell GmbH Distributor: Sanowell GmbH -
16 stimulator for pain treatment – neural stimulator
Model: Dolito Manufacturer: MTR+ Vertriebs GmbH Distributor: Fachhandel | MTR+ Vertriebs GmbH -
17 stimulator for pain treatment – neural stimulator
Model: VasoTrain Manufacturer: Schwa-Medico Medizinische Apparate Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH Distributor: Schwa-Medico Medizinische Apparate Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH | A.M.I. Allgemeine Medizin Information und Handels GmbH -
18 stimulator for pain treatment – neural stimulator
Model: DAS NOVAFON power 2 inkl. Ladestation Manufacturer: NOVAFON Elektromedizinische Geräte GmbH Distributor: NOVAFON Elektromedizinische Geräte GmbH -
19 stimulator for pain treatment – neural stimulator
Model: Das Novafon Manufacturer: NOVAFON Elektromedizinische Geräte GmbH Distributor: NOVAFON Elektromedizinische Geräte GmbH -
20 stimulator for pain treatment – neural stimulator
Model: NOVAFON pro Schallwellengerät Manufacturer: NOVAFON Elektromedizinische Geräte GmbH Distributor: NOVAFON Elektromedizinische Geräte GmbH -
21 stimulator for pain treatment – neural stimulator
Model: Das NOVAFON power inkl. Ladestation Manufacturer: NOVAFON Elektromedizinische Geräte GmbH Distributor: NOVAFON Elektromedizinische Geräte GmbH -
22 stimulator for pain treatment – neural stimulator
Model: VITAtronic TENS-Gerät 804/S Manufacturer: Ostimex GmbH Distributor: Ostimex GmbH -
23 stimulator for pain treatment – neural stimulator
Model: SaneoTENS Manufacturer: tic Medizintechnik GmbH & Co. KG Distributor: tic Medizintechnik GmbH & Co. KG -
24 stimulator for pain treatment – neural stimulator
Model: DoloBravo Manufacturer: MTR+ Vertriebs GmbH Distributor: Fachhandel | MTR+ Vertriebs GmbH -
25 stimulator for pain treatment – neural stimulator / muscle stimulator
Model: Biopuls 2000 P, Nerven- und Muskelstimulator Manufacturer: Curatec Services GmbH Distributor: Curatec Services GmbH -
26 stimulator for pain treatment – neural stimulator / muscle stimulator
Model: PeroBravo Manufacturer: MTR+ Vertriebs GmbH Distributor: MTR+ Vertriebs GmbH -
27 stimulator for pain treatment – neural stimulator / muscle stimulator
Model: wellcare digi-stim Manufacturer: Sanowell GmbH Distributor: Sanowell GmbH | Sanitätsfachhandel -
28 stimulator for pain treatment – neural stimulator / muscle stimulator
Model: Beurer EM 20 Neck Manufacturer: Beurer GmbH Distributor: Beurer GmbH -
29 stimulator for pain treatment – neural stimulator / muscle stimulator
Model: WeWoThom Premium Manufacturer: WeWoThom GmbH Distributor: WeWoThom GmbH -
30 stimulator for pain treatment – neural stimulator / muscle stimulator
Model: EMP 2 PRO Manufacturer: Pierenkemper GmbH Distributor: Sanitätsfachhandel | A.M.I. Allgemeine Medizin Information und Handels GmbH -
31 stimulator for pain treatment – neural stimulator / muscle stimulator
Model: Stimulationsgerät body-stim Manufacturer: RehaMedia Distributor: rehamed-tec -Herrmann & Hecht GbR -
32 stimulator for pain treatment – neural stimulator / muscle stimulator
Model: TENStem eco Manufacturer: Pierenkemper GmbH -
33 stimulator for pain treatment – neural stimulator / muscle stimulator – biofeedback device
Model: reha-aktiv, reha-aktiv Motivation Manufacturer: rehamed-tec -Herrmann & Hecht GbR Distributor: rehamed-tec -Herrmann & Hecht GbR -
34 stimulator for pain treatment – neural stimulator / muscle stimulator – continence stimulator
Model: Myolito Neuromuskulärer Stimulator Manufacturer: MTR+ Vertriebs GmbH -
35 stimulator for pain treatment – neural stimulator / muscle stimulator – continence stimulator
Model: MyoBravo Manufacturer: MTR+ Vertriebs GmbH Distributor: Fachhandel -
36 stimulator for pain treatment – neural stimulator / muscle stimulator – massaging apparatus
Model: TENS/EM 80 Manufacturer: Beurer GmbH Distributor: Beurer GmbH -
37 stimulator for pain treatment – neural stimulator / muscle stimulator – massaging apparatus
Model: Vitatronic Digital - EMS/TENS Manufacturer: VITAtronic Ltd. Distributor: Ostimex GmbH -
38 stimulator for pain treatment – neural stimulator / muscle stimulator – massaging apparatus
Model: Stimulationsgerät, innoSTIM-ET Manufacturer: HELLER MEDIZINTECHNIK Distributor: HELLER MEDIZINTECHNIK -
39 stimulator for pain treatment – neural stimulator / muscle stimulator – massaging apparatus
Model: Sanitas SEM 43 Manufacturer: Beurer Europe GmbH Distributor: Fachhandel -
40 stimulator for pain treatment – neural stimulator / muscle stimulator – massaging apparatus
Model: Vitatronic Profi EMS/TENS Manufacturer: VITAtronic Ltd. Distributor: Ostimex GmbH -
41 stimulator for pain treatment – neural stimulator / muscle stimulator – massaging apparatus
Model: Vibrax Senator Professional 3D Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: MedPlus Medizintechnik GmbH | DocCheck Shop GmbH -
42 stimulator for pain treatment – neural stimulator – massaging apparatus
Model: Basic + Tens Manufacturer: tic Medizintechnik GmbH & Co. KG Distributor: tic Medizintechnik GmbH & Co. KG -
43 stimulator for pain treatment – neural stimulator – massaging apparatus
Model: VITAtronic 410/S Manufacturer: Ostimex GmbH Distributor: Ostimex GmbH -
44 stimulator for pain treatment – neural stimulator – muscle stimulator / continence stimulator – massaging apparatus
Model: Highend 4-Kanal TENS- / EMS- / Sport- / Reha - Gerät Manufacturer: VITAtronic Ltd. Distributor: Ostimex GmbH -
45 stimulator with partial implants – neural stimulator
Model: Neurostimulator Activa PC Manufacturer: Medtronic GmbH Distributor: Medtronic GmbH -
46 stimulator with partial implants – neural stimulator
Model: RestoreSensor Neurostimulator Manufacturer: Medtronic GmbH Distributor: Medtronic GmbH