Physical and physiological test equipment and materials
These test devices can be used to independently measure bodily functions and conditions.
For example, joint stability, joint mobility, muscle strength and physical endurance, movement sequences such as sitting, standing, turning and walking, pain perception or skin thickness and skin moisture can be measured.
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Products (11)
1 health protection and work safety – personal protective equipment – prototype
Model: intelligentes T-Shirt Manufacturer: Technische Universität Ilmenau Distributor: keine Angaben -
2 measuring instrument – app
Model: Tami App Manufacturer: inContAlert GmbH -
3 measuring instrument – sleep apnoea device
Model: ActTrust – Schlafprofilanalyse Manufacturer: neurocare group AG Distributor: neurocare group AG -
4 measuring instrument – stethoscope
Model: Cardionics E-Scope II / Cardionics E-Scope II Headphone Model Manufacturer: Cardionics Inc. Distributor: -
5 measuring instrument – stethoscope
Model: Stethoskop für Hörgeschädigte Manufacturer: resEARch Individuelle Hörsysteme GmbH & Co. KG Distributor: resEARch Individuelle Hörsysteme GmbH & Co. KG -
6 measuring instrument – stethoscope
Model: Stethoskop Thinklabs One Manufacturer: Thinklabs Medical LLC Distributor: Thinklabs Medical LLC -
7 physical test device
Model: Saehan Hand-Dynamometer Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Sport-Tec GmbH -
8 physical test device
Model: Jamar Dynamometer - hydraulisch Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Sport-Tec GmbH -
9 physical test device
Model: Baseline Handbewertungssatz Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Physiofit24 -
10 physical test device
Model: Zweipunkt-Diskriminator Touch-Test Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Alltagshilfen Schmid Renate -
11 physical test device
Model: Disk-Criminator 57209140 Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Alltagshilfen Schmid Renate