Personal scales
There are special scales for people with disabilities or bedridden people to check their body weight regularly.
Examples of products include talking body scales for people with visual impairments or blindness, wheelchair scales, chair scales and bed scales.
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Products (7)
1 measuring instrument – scales
Model: Personenwaage Soehnle 6831mit Stützgeländer Manufacturer: Soehnle Industrial Solutions GmbH Distributor: Soehnle Industrial Solutions GmbH -
2 measuring instrument – scales
Model: Personenwaage Happy Day mit Sprachausgabe Manufacturer: CareTec International GmbH Distributor: CareTec International GmbH -
3 measuring instrument – scales
Model: Sprechende Personenwaage HBI XL 550 Manufacturer: HBI Technologies Europe Distributor: HBI Technologies Europe -
4 measuring instrument – scales
Model: Funkfähige multifunktionale Stehhilfewaage Manufacturer: Seca GmbH & Co. KG. Distributor: Seca GmbH & Co. KG. -
5 measuring instrument – scales
Model: Sprechende Personenwaage GS39 Manufacturer: CareTec International GmbH Distributor: PABS Hilfsmittel für Blinde und Sehbehinderte -
6 measuring instrument – wheelchair scales
Model: Funkfähige elektronische Rollstuhlwaage seca 665 Manufacturer: Seca GmbH & Co. KG. Distributor: Seca GmbH & Co. KG. -
7 turning aid in lying position – repositioning aid – scales
Model: Patientenwaage Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Transatlantic