Assistive Product Wrist-o-ciser

Product Type:

Hand training device


The Wrist-o-ciser consists of a wooden handle on which a spiral is mounted. The aim is to move wooden beads on the spiral from one side to the other using the movement possibilities of the wrist, whereby the fist should be completely closed around the handle of the Wrist-o-ciser. The game promotes spatial perception and hand-eye coordination. This requires concentrated use of the affected side, especially for hemiplegics. The elbow joint and shoulder joint can be trained by applying a splint or brace to the wrist, and wrist mobility is promoted by placing the elbow against the upper body.

Price (without guarantee):

EUR 65.37 including VAT
Retail price

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Ergotech – Handel und Vertrieb von Therapiebedarf
Tim Sörgel
Schweinfurter Str. 107
97493 Bergrheinfeld
Germany Telephone: 09721 933337 Email: Homepage:

Technical Data:

Height: 34 cm



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Last Update: 9 Sep 2024