Respiratory therapy devices and respiratory muscle training devices
Respiratory therapy devices are used to mobilize secretions and help to loosen and eliminate mucus. Training devices strengthen the respiratory muscles and improve lung function by widening the airways and increasing the strength and endurance of the muscles when inhaling.
Respiratory therapy devices include vibration devices. Respiratory muscle training devices include PEP (positive expiratory pressure) mouth and mask systems, which generate positive pressure in the airways. PEP mask systems enclose the mouth and nose.
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Products (23)
1 breathing treatment – suction device – secretion suction device
Model: RC-Cornet Plus Nasal Manufacturer: CEGLA Medizintechnik GmbH Distributor: Sanitäts-Fachhandel | Apotheken -
2 breathing treatment – suction device – secretion suction device
Model: RC-Fit Classic Manufacturer: CEGLA Medizintechnik GmbH Distributor: Amazon Europe Core S.à r.l. -
3 breathing treatment – apparatus for respiratory therapy
Model: EMST150 Atem- und Schlucktrainer Manufacturer: Aspire Products LLC Distributor: armadillo Schumann & Werner GbR -
4 breathing treatment – apparatus for respiratory therapy
Model: RespirOn Manufacturer: POWERbreathe International Ltd Distributor: HaB GmbH -
5 breathing treatment – apparatus for respiratory therapy
Model: Shaker Plus / Shaker Deluxe Manufacturer: POWERbreathe International Ltd Distributor: HaB GmbH -
6 breathing treatment – apparatus for respiratory therapy
Model: POWERbreathe Medic / POWERbreathe Medic Plus Manufacturer: POWERbreathe International Ltd Distributor: HaB GmbH -
7 breathing treatment – apparatus for respiratory therapy
Model: Simeox Manufacturer: PhysioAssist GmbH Distributor: PhysioAssist GmbH -
8 breathing treatment – apparatus for respiratory therapy
Model: VibraVest Hochfrequente Vibrations-Weste Manufacturer: OxyCare GmbH Distributor: OxyCare GmbH -
9 breathing treatment – apparatus for respiratory therapy
Model: SmartVest Manufacturer: Linde GmbH Distributor: Linde GmbH -
10 breathing treatment – apparatus for respiratory therapy
Model: The Vest - System, Modell 205 Manufacturer: Hill-Rom GmbH Distributor: Sanitäts-Fachhandel -
11 breathing treatment – apparatus for respiratory therapy
Model: Atemtrainer Respipro Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: 4 your health GmbH / ClaraVital -
12 breathing treatment – apparatus for respiratory therapy
Model: Atemphysiotherapiegerät Shaker Classic Manufacturer: POWERbreathe International Ltd Distributor: HaB GmbH -
13 breathing treatment – apparatus for respiratory therapy
Model: acapella duet PEP-Vibrationstherapiesystem Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: HaB GmbH -
14 breathing treatment – apparatus for respiratory therapy
Model: PARI O-PEP Manufacturer: PARI Medical Holding GmbH Distributor: PARI Medical Holding GmbH | Sanitätsfachhandel -
15 breathing treatment – apparatus for respiratory therapy
Model: Clearway 2 Manufacturer: Breas Medical GmbH Distributor: steramed Medizintechnik GmbH -
16 breathing treatment – apparatus for respiratory therapy
Model: Comfort Cough TM SICC2011 Manufacturer: Seoil Pacific Corp. Distributor: WILAmed GmbH -
17 breathing treatment – apparatus for respiratory therapy
Model: CoughAssist E70 Manufacturer: Philips GmbH Respironics Distributor: Philips GmbH Respironics | Diverse Vertriebspartner von Philips | steramed Medizintechnik GmbH -
18 breathing treatment – apparatus for respiratory therapy
Model: GeloMuc Manufacturer: G. Pohl-Boskamp GmbH & Co. KG Distributor: G. Pohl-Boskamp GmbH & Co. KG | Sanitätsfachhandel -
19 breathing treatment – apparatus for respiratory therapy
Model: Acapella choice Manufacturer: keine Angaben -
20 breathing treatment – apparatus for respiratory therapy
Model: Quake Manufacturer: Thayer Medical Corporation Distributor: Sanitätsfachhandel -
21 breathing treatment – apparatus for respiratory therapy
Model: TRI-BALL Atemtrainer mit 3 Kugeln Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Sport-Tec GmbH -
22 breathing treatment – apparatus for respiratory therapy
Model: Atemtrainer Triflo II Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Servoprax GmbH -
23 breathing treatment – apparatus for respiratory therapy
Model: Atemtrainer Manufacturer: Sanivita Ludwig Bertram GmbH Distributor: Shop-Apotheke Service B.V.