Assistive Product Touchscreen mit haptischem Feedback durch Wärme

Product Type:

Touchscreen with haptic feedback through heat

Areas of Application:

  • Blindness


Researchers at Texas AandM have integrated into the displays a way to make short-term changes in temperature on the surface in a small space. This stimulates nerve cells in the skin in the same way as sensing structures. In this way, corresponding shapes can be simulated and virtual buttons can be felt.

In the future, notebooks will also tend to be offered with virtual keyboards on a second touchscreen. With the tactile keys, it would then also be possible to achieve similar typing speeds as is the case with a physical keyboard.

To achieve such a haptic, the temperature change does not have to be particularly strong.

The heat method is much more reliable compared to ultrasound and offers less wear potential than real deformations.

Product Information from the Manufacturer / Distributor:

Artikel in Englisch
Demovideo auf YouTube (Englisch)

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Texas A&M University
College Station
TX 77843-3123 Texas
United States Telephone: +1 979 845-1251 Email: Homepage:


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Last Update: 5 Apr 2022