Assistive Product BrailleWear Handschuh

Product Type:

Reader with voice output

Areas of Application:

  • Blindness, Visual Impairment


The glove recognizes letters in Braille and outputs them acoustically. This is to help people learn Braille on their own.
The system includes an electronic module between the thumb and index finger. It uses an LED to illuminate the paper in front of the index finger at an angle, allowing a small camera to capture the shadows of the raised embossed Braille dots. A simple machine-learning algorithm recognizes the letters, and a voice output reads them aloud.
The fingertips are not covered by the glove's fabric. This allows the person reading to feel the characters and check whether their guess matches the letters read aloud in real time.


The start-up ORama AI is a spin-off from Cornell University in Ithaca, New York state. The developers designed their prototype with the Perkins School of the Blind in Watertown, Massachusetts. By December 2023, the start-up plans to build a production-ready version and distribute it through partners.

(Source: heise online)

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Last Update: 8 Mar 2023