Assistive Product AVASAG

Product Type:

Avatar-based speech assistant for automated sign language translation

Areas of Application:

  • Deafness


In the collaborative project AVASAG, a real-time controlled 3D sign language avatar for automatic translation of German texts into sign language is being developed. Through this, a qualitatively realistic representation of a 3D sign language avatar will enable digital and barrier-free communication to provide added value for the deaf to better participate in the Digital Society. For companies, AVASAG offers the possibility to generate content in an automated and dynamic way, optimizing interaction and communication on digital channels. As a demonstrator, a sign language avatar will be realized for automated translation in the field of travel information and service with a focus on transport and tourism.


Duration: May 1, 2020 - April 30, 2023
Project funding: BMBF
Project sponsor: VDI/VDE-Innovation + Technik GmbH
Project management: Charamel GmbH

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Charamel GmbH
Aachener Str. 60-62
50674 Köln
Germany Telephone: 0221 33664-0 Email: Homepage:


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Last Update: 21 Apr 2022