Assistive Product Phoenix I Wheelchairs

Product Type:

Handrim Wheelchair
Lightweight Wheelchair


The Phoenix i is the first lightweight wheelchair equipped with SMART technologies.
The carbon fiber frame of the Phoenix I Wheelchair always moves exactly under the center of gravity of the user's body with the help of sensors, thus eliminating the susceptibility of existing models to tipping over, for example.
If the user leans back, the rear axle moves back under the seat without tipping over. If you lean forward, all the weight is shifted to the front wheels. The people using the wheelchair and the wheelchair are thus completely synchronized, resulting in low front wheel resistance in combination with backward and forward stability.

Sensors include force transducers, gyroscopes and accelerometers. The wheelchair also has electronic brakes and servo assistance, among other features. With electronics and the battery - which also powers the power-assist system for inclines - and the vibration-damping material in the carbon frame, the wheelchair weighs in at 6 to 7 kg.


A winner of the Toyota Mobility Unlimited Challenge, the prototype is in development with the goal of being on the market in 2022.

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Phoenix Instinct
United Kingdom Telephone: +44 1309 221020 Email: Homepage:


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Last Update: 5 Apr 2022