Assistive Product Antidekubitusmatte mit Sensorsystem

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Anti-decubitus mat with sensor system


In order to detect pressure points of bedridden patients at an early stage, the Institute for Product Development and Design Technology of the Technical University of Cologne, in cooperation with the University Hospital Bonn and Metallbau Hausmann GmbH, has developed an anti-decubitus mat in the SomaCare project.
The silicone anti-decubitus mat contains a sensor network that measures the pressure distribution on the lying surface. This is supplemented by several sensor elements that record other relevant measured variables such as the patient's own movements, temperature and moisture.
In the event of a pressure sore risk, the nursing staff is informed via the alarm function of a mobile app that it is necessary to reposition the bedridden people.
In addition, intelligent evaluation algorithms are used to determine a time window in which repositioning is likely to be necessary. This can then be taken into account accordingly in work planning.
The intelligent mat can be attached to the mattress of an existing bed.

In further research work, the mat is to be optimized and supplemented with additional elements, e.g. micro-stimulation actuators that generate minimal pressure points in areas of increased risk of pressure sores and encourage patients to move more on their own.


The research project "SomaCare - Intelligent anti-decubitus mat to promote self-motion based on basal stimulation" was carried out by the Institute for Product Development and Design Technology of the TH Köln in cooperation with the University Hospital Bonn and Metallbau Hausmann GmbH under the coordination of Prof. Dr. Mohieddine Jelali. The German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection funded the project for two years and three months as part of the Central Innovation Program for SMEs (ZIM).

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TH Köln
Betzdorfer Str. 2
50679 Köln
Germany Telephone: 0221 8275-0 Homepage:


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Last Update: 8 Aug 2022