Assistive Product Sensor und Software zur Bewegungsförderung von Büroangestellten

Product Type:

Sensor and software to promote movement in office workers


As part of the Own Personal Care (OPC) project, researchers at TU Dresden investigated which mechanism best replicates the natural movement of the hips and spine, how much inclination of the seat is beneficial and how often people should move while sitting.
Based on this data, a sensor was developed that records movement behavior while sitting and, in combination with software, can be used preventively to promote movement among office workers.
The sensor is attached under the seat of the office chair and helps the seated person to control their movement. The sensor and software are currently patent pending.


The project is funded by the Karl Schlecht Foundation.

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Technische Universität Dresden
Georg-Schumann-Bau (SCH), Raum A 312 Münchner Platz 3
01187 Dresden
Germany Telephone: 0351 463-32538 Email: technische.logistik@​ Homepage:


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Last Update: 6 Dec 2023