Assistive Product Datenbrille zur räumlichen Orientierung

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Data glasses to improve balance and fall prevention


One cause of falls in the elderly could be the increasing deterioration of sensory information in old age, which also worsens orientation in space and thus balance. Although there are several approaches to fall prevention, visual stimuli have not yet been used for fall prevention.
Researchers at the University of Konstanz (Institute of Exercise and Movement Sciences) are currently developing special AR (augmented rerality) glasses that display visual cues. This is intended to improve visual orientation and thus balance.
The aim of the superimposed clues is to provide the person wearing the glasses with information on the horizontal and vertical. This is especially helpful when it is dark or someone is looking at a white wall or is standing by a bus and it is about to leave.
The patterns of visual clues can consist of different geometric shapes (such as lines, squares, dot patterns) and represent different depth information. The optical clues are superimposed on the edge of the visual field so as not to restrict the visual field unnecessarily. When moving, these optical patterns remain fixed in the scene and do not move with the head.


The development and validation of this augmented reality prototype for improving balance and fall prevention is supported by the state of Baden-Württemberg with funding from the "Prototype Funding for Innovative Technologies" program. The invention has been filed for patent (EP and US pending). Technologie-Lizenz-Büro (TLB) GmbH supports the research team and the University of Konstanz in patenting and marketing the current development. The technology is to be further developed and marketed in a start-up. The goal is to equip AR glasses with the orientation information via an app and make it available.
(Source: Technology License Bureau (TLB) GmbH)

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Universtität Konstanz
Universitätsstr. 10
78464 Konstanz
Germany Telephone: 07531 88-0 Email: Homepage:


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Last Update: 19 Dec 2022