Assistive technology research and development
From idea to product - under this motto we present selected technical innovation approaches. They are developed and tested, for example, in interdisciplinary projects, by companies, associations or individuals in Germany and abroad.
The prototypes presented are not yet marketable, but show the state of the art, forward-looking trends and possible applications in the field of assistive technologies for people with disabilities. For some products, the development phase or the transfer process into practice may already have been completed.
In order to further expand this product area, we welcome your comments on current technical research and developments for people with disabilities via our contact form!
Products (39)
1 alternative input device for computer – prototype
Model: Handschuh zur Eingabe von Brailleschrift Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: keine Angaben -
2 antidecubitus mattress – prototype
Model: Antidekubitusmatte mit Sensorsystem Manufacturer: TH Köln Distributor: keine Angaben -
3 wrist watch – prototype
Model: Zeitkompass Manufacturer: INCLUSYS UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Distributor: keine Angaben -
4 arm orthosis – prototype
Model: PlexoMotion Manufacturer: TH Köln Distributor: keine Angaben -
5 output device for computer – 3d-printage – prototype
Model: Hilfsmittel aus dem 3D-Drucker Manufacturer: Makers Help Care Distributor: Makers Help Care -
6 output device for computer – braille display – prototype
Model: Taktiles Display für Smartphone Manufacturer: Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Technische Fakultät Distributor: keine Angaben -
7 output device for computer – touchscreen – prototype
Model: Touchscreen mit haptischem Feedback durch Wärme Manufacturer: Texas A&M University Distributor: keine Angaben -
8 vocational training – training of cognitive skills – app, prototype
Model: RehaGOal Manufacturer: Ostfalia Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Distributor: keine Angaben -
9 computer and terminals – browser software – prototype
Model: Mimik Browser Manufacturer: Nau-Hau GmbH Distributor: Nau-Hau GmbH -
10 computer and terminals – computer output device – data glasses, prototype
Model: Datenbrille zur räumlichen Orientierung Manufacturer: Universtität Konstanz Distributor: keine Angaben -
11 computer and terminals – computer output device – data glasses, prototype
Model: Echtzeit Übersetzungsbrille Manufacturer: Google Ireland Limited Distributor: keine Angaben -
12 health protection and work safety – personal protective equipment – prototype
Model: intelligentes T-Shirt Manufacturer: Technische Universität Ilmenau Distributor: keine Angaben -
13 hand and finger prosthesis – electric hand – prototype
Model: Handprothese mit Temperaturgefühl Manufacturer: EPFL Distributor: keine Angaben -
14 assistive product for measuring, testing, monitoring – assistance system – prototype
Model: Intelligentes Assistenzsystem - Assistenz für die Hosentasche Manufacturer: delta3 GmbH Distributor: keine Angaben -
15 assistive product for measuring, testing, monitoring – assistance system – prototype
Model: AMBOS-3D Manufacturer: Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung IPA Distributor: keine Angaben -
16 assistive product for measuring, testing, monitoring – assistance system – prototype
Model: incluMOVE Software: Open Source Manufacturer: FEMOS gemeinnützige GmbH Distributor: keine Angaben -
17 assistive product for measuring, testing, monitoring – measuring instrument – prototype
Model: Sensor und Software zur Bewegungsförderung von Büroangestellten Manufacturer: Technische Universität Dresden Distributor: keine Angaben -
18 hip-knee-ankle-foot-orthosis – exosceleton – prototype
Model: Robotisches Exoskelett Manufacturer: Technische Universität Berlin Distributor: keine Angaben -
19 car adaptation – car secondary function – prototype
Model: SmartCar Manufacturer: Peter L. Reichertz Institut für Medizinische Informatik Distributor: keine Angaben -
20 anklebone-orthosis – prototype
Model: SensO-FeeT Manufacturer: Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Umformtechnik (IWU) Distributor: keine Angaben -
21 communication training – software for training reading skills – prototype
Model: EasyReading Manufacturer: Technische Universität Dortmund Distributor: keine Angaben -
22 orientation aid, electronic – app – prototype
Model: Waymap Manufacturer: Waymap Distributor: Google Ireland Limited -
23 orientation aid, electronic – prototype
Model: Shared Guide Dog 4.0 Manufacturer: Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg (HAW Hamburg) Distributor: keine Angaben -
24 orientation aid, electronic – prototype
Model: Ashirase Manufacturer: Ashirase, Inc. Distributor: keine Angaben -
25 orientation aid, electronic – prototype
Model: Blindenstock der Zukunft Manufacturer: BIRNE7 e.V. Distributor: keine Angaben -
26 perception training – sound therapy – prototype
Model: Luis Hug Manufacturer: Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin Distributor: keine Angaben -
27 robot – desinfection robot – prototype
Model: DeKonBot 2 Manufacturer: Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung IPA Distributor: keine Angaben -
28 wheelchair, electric – for exterior and interior – stair wheelchair
Model: AssistMobil Manufacturer: Steinbeis-Transferzentrum Medizinische Elektronik und Lab on Chip-Systeme Distributor: keine Angaben -
29 wheelchair, electric – for exterior and interior – stair wheelchair
Model: Treppensteigender Rollstuhl Manufacturer: Autak e.V. Distributor: keine Angaben -
30 wheelchair, manually controlled – lightweight wheelchair – prototype
Model: Phoenix I Wheelchairs Manufacturer: Phoenix Instinct Distributor: keine Angaben -
31 software for short-distance communication – avatar – prototype
Model: AVASAG Manufacturer: Charamel GmbH Distributor: keine Angaben -
32 software for short-distance communication – prototype
Model: Gebärdensprachlexikon Sign2Mint Manufacturer: Max-Planck-Institut für Mikrostrukturphysik Distributor: keine Angaben -
33 speaking aid – voice producer – prototype
Model: Stimmbandsticker Manufacturer: University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Distributor: keine Angaben -
34 thoracic orthosis – exosceleton – prototype
Model: Myoshirt Manufacturer: ETH Zürich Distributor: keine Angaben -
35 thoraco-lumbo-sacral orthosis – prototype
Model: Kontinuierliches Recycling von 3D-gedruckten orthopädischen Korsetts Manufacturer: Create it REAL Distributor: keine Angaben -
36 training of social competence – prototype
Model: Buddy Be Well Manufacturer: Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH Distributor: keine Angaben -
37 training of social competence – prototype
Model: EmpaT Manufacturer: Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI) Distributor: keine Angaben -
38 sign reader – prototype
Model: BrailleWear Handschuh Manufacturer: ORama AI Distributor: keine Angaben -
39 pointing device for computer – computer mouse – prototype
Model: MouthPad: Zungensteuerung für iPhone und iPad Manufacturer: Augmental Technologies Inc. Distributor: Augmental Technologies Inc.