Orthoses for head and palate
Cranium orthoses enclose the entire head and are used for cranial deformities (helmet therapy). Uvula orthoses enclose the uvula in the mouth to support regular breathing and prevent snoring, for example.
Exemplary products are therapy helmets or splint systems for sleep-related respiratory disorders.
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Products (9)
1 breathing treatment – uvula support – protrusion splint
Model: Somnipax guard S Manufacturer: AescuBrands UG Distributor: health.On Ventures GmbH -
2 breathing treatment – uvula support – protrusion splint
Model: SomnoDent Schlafapnoe-Schiene Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: SomnoMed Germany GmbH -
3 breathing treatment – uvula support – protrusion splint
Model: Snorflex Manufacturer: Snorflex Distributor: FlexPoint Management & Promotion GmbH -
4 breathing treatment – uvula support – protrusion splint
Model: SomnoGuard AP 2 / SomnoGuard SP Soft / SomnoGuard 3 / SomnoGuard SPX Manufacturer: Tomed GmbH Distributor: Tomed GmbH -
5 breathing treatment – uvula support – protrusion splint
Model: TAP / TAP-T / TAP-T Reverse Manufacturer: Scheu-Dental GmbH Distributor: Scheu-Dental GmbH -
6 breathing treatment – uvula support – protrusion splint
Model: Silensor-sl Manufacturer: ERKODENT Erich Kopp GmbH Distributor: ERKODENT Erich Kopp GmbH -
7 cranial orthosis – therapy helmet
Model: Helmtherapie bei Schädeldeformität (Plagiozephalie) / Helmtherapie bei Schädeldeformität (Kraniosynostose) Manufacturer: Carepoint Zentrale Distributor: Carepoint Zentrale -
8 cranial orthosis – therapy helmet
Model: Star-band, dynamische Kopforthese Manufacturer: Systemführer ist der Vertreiber Distributor: Pro Walk Rehabilitationshilfen und Sanitätsbedarf GmbH -
9 sleeping brace
Model: Somnipax C Pap Pro Manufacturer: AescuBrands UG Distributor: health.On Ventures GmbH