Turntables, transfer aids and transfer platforms
Turntables to support turning movement and assistive products to move a standing person horizontally over a short distance.
When using turntables, these are placed under the feet of the user. Transfer platforms or so-called transfer aids support the transfer of people, for example, from a bed to a wheelchair.
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Products (25)
1 transfer aid – standing up aid with rotary disk
Model: Aufstehhilfe - Umsetzhilfe ELEA Manufacturer: Leonair GmbH Distributor: Leonair GmbH -
2 transfer aid – standing up aid with rotary disk
Model: Aufstehhilfe - Umsetzhilfe ROLEO Manufacturer: Leonair GmbH Distributor: Leonair GmbH -
3 transfer aid – rotary disk
Model: Drehscheibe 6895 Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: MEYRA GmbH -
4 transfer aid – rotary disk
Model: Immedia PediTurn Manufacturer: Etac Sverige AB Distributor: Etac GmbH -
5 transfer aid – rotary disk
Model: Etac Turner Pro Manufacturer: Etac GmbH Distributor: Etac GmbH -
6 transfer aid – rotary disk
Model: Servocare Patientendrehscheibe Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Servoprax GmbH -
7 transfer aid – rotary disk
Model: Alpha Drehscheibe PM-5080 Manufacturer: Petermann GmbH Distributor: Medsorg GmbH -
8 transfer aid – rotary disk
Model: DREHSCHEIBE 32 Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: MPB-Rollstuhlzubehör und mehr... -
9 transfer aid – rotary disk
Model: Drehteller mit 2 Handgriffen Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: care idee e.K. -
10 transfer aid – rotary disk
Model: Handi-Drehscheibe Manufacturer: Handi-Move International Distributor: handi-move H. Armbruster GmbH -
11 transfer aid – rotary disk
Model: Drehteller Rolko-EasyTRANSFER Manufacturer: Rolko Kohlgrüber GmbH Distributor: Sanitätsfachhandel -
12 transfer aid – transfer platform – gearing aid
Model: Umsetzhilfe Akuakalda Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Vassilli Deutschland GmbH -
13 transfer aid – transfer platform – gearing aid
Model: Transferhilfe Caretwist Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: CARELINE GmbH -
14 transfer aid – transfer platform – gearing aid
Model: Aufricht- und Transferhilfe Caremover Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: CARELINE GmbH -
15 transfer aid – transfer platform – gearing aid
Model: Molift Raiser Pro Manufacturer: Etac GmbH Distributor: Etac GmbH -
16 transfer aid – transfer platform – gearing aid
Model: Umsetz- und Transferhilfe BEA Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Horcher GmbH -
17 transfer aid – transfer platform – gearing aid
Model: Aufsteh- und Umsetzhilfe Turnax Manufacturer: ATO FORM GmbH Distributor: ATO FORM GmbH -
18 transfer aid – transfer platform – gearing aid
Model: Aufsteh- und Umsetzhilfe Mover Schmal Manufacturer: Koval d.o.o. Distributor: ATO FORM GmbH -
19 transfer aid – transfer platform – gearing aid
Model: Aufsteh- und Umsetzhilfe Twist Zentralbremse Manufacturer: Koval d.o.o. Distributor: ATO FORM GmbH -
20 transfer aid – transfer platform – gearing aid
Model: Alpha Transferhilfe Merlin Manufacturer: Petermann GmbH Distributor: Petermann GmbH -
21 transfer aid – transfer platform – gearing aid
Model: Umsetzhilfe LiLLy Manufacturer: Leonair GmbH Distributor: Leonair GmbH -
22 transfer aid – transfer platform – gearing aid
Model: Lotus aktive aufstehhilfe Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Lopital -Creating balance in healthcare -
23 transfer aid – transfer platform – gearing aid
Model: GTP1 Transferplattform Manufacturer: Guldmann GmbH Distributor: Guldmann GmbH -
24 transfer aid – transfer platform – gearing aid
Model: Aufsteh- und Umsetzhilfe Mover Flexi Base elektrisch Manufacturer: Koval d.o.o. Distributor: ATO FORM GmbH -
25 transfer aid – transfer platform – gearing aid
Model: ReTurn7600 Manufacturer: Handicare Group AB Distributor: RMT RehaMed Technology GmbH