Landline telephones, answering machines
Landline telephones and answering machines are linked to a fixed base in a housekeeping or workplace. A distinction can be made between corded and cordless telephones.
Large buttons or voice control simplify operation. Call signals can be acoustic, visual or tactile. Videophones and desk phones enable text or video transmission. Simple operating functions and extra emergency call buttons help with intuitive control. Answering machines are integrated in most systems and can be activated or deactivated.
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Products (32)
1 landline phone
Model: Widex Phone-Dex 2 Manufacturer: Widex Hörgeräte GmbH Distributor: Widex Hörgeräte GmbH -
2 landline phone – television phone
Model: Polycom VVX 1500 D Manufacturer: Polycom GmbH Distributor: Onedirect GmbH -
3 landline phone – emergency alarm system
Model: SOS-Pro 295 Manufacturer: Geemarc Telecom S.A. Distributor: Fachhandel -
4 landline phone – cordless telephone
Model: Gigaset E720 Manufacturer: Gigaset Communications GmbH Distributor: Gigaset Communications GmbH | Gaudio-Braille -
5 landline phone – cordless telephone
Model: DA 1432 XL DECT TeleCare Manufacturer: DOSCH & AMAND PRODUCTS GmbH Distributor: DOSCH & AMAND PRODUCTS GmbH -
6 landline phone – telephone, with cord
Model: Geemarc Serenities mit Notrufarmband Manufacturer: Geemarc Telecom S.A. Distributor: Fachhandel -
7 landline phone – telephone, with cord
Model: Doro PhoneEasy 331ph Manufacturer: Careium Distributor: Careium -
8 landline phone – telephone, with cord
Model: Doro Magna 4000 Manufacturer: Careium Distributor: Careium -
9 landline phone – telephone, with cord
Model: RS26 Telefon-Set Telefon Fon Alarm inkl. Armbandsender RT26 Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: ELDAT GmbH -
10 landline phone – telephone, with cord
Model: PhonicEar Relation 2 - Telefon für Schwerhörige Manufacturer: Phonic Ear A/S Distributor: Reha-Com-Tech -
11 landline phone – telephone, with cord
Model: Doro PhoneEasy 312cs Manufacturer: Careium Distributor: Careium -
12 landline phone – telephone, with cord
Model: tiptel Ergophone 1300 / tiptel Ergophone 1310 Manufacturer: GmbH Business Solutions Distributor: GmbH Business Solutions -
13 landline phone – telephone, with cord
Model: Pragmaphone mit extra großen Tasten Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Richter - Telefon - Technik -
14 landline phone – telephone, with cord
Model: Ergophone S 510 Funk Manufacturer: Ergophone GmbH Distributor: Ergophone GmbH -
15 landline phone – telephone, cordless
Model: AmpliDECT 295-2 DUO Manufacturer: Geemarc Telecom S.A. Distributor: Fachhandel -
16 landline phone – telephone, cordless
Model: Doro PhoneEasy 110 Manufacturer: Careium Distributor: Careium -
17 landline phone – telephone, cordless
Model: Doro PhoneEasy 115 Manufacturer: Careium Distributor: Careium | Landeshilfsmittelzentrum des Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband Sachsen e. V. -
18 landline phone – telephone, cordless
Model: Photodect295 Manufacturer: Geemarc Telecom S.A. Distributor: auric Hörsysteme GmbH & Co. KG -
19 landline phone – telephone, cordless
Model: Gigaset Smart Speaker L800HX Manufacturer: Gigaset Communications GmbH Distributor: Gigaset Communications GmbH -
20 landline phone – telephone, cordless
Model: Gigaset E560HX Manufacturer: Gigaset Communications GmbH Distributor: Gigaset Communications GmbH -
21 landline phone – telephone, cordless
Model: Panasonic KX-TG8561 Manufacturer: Panasonic Electric Works Europe AG Distributor: Panasonic Electric Works Europe AG -
22 landline phone – telephone, cordless
Model: AmpliDECT 595 Photo Manufacturer: Geemarc Telecom S.A. Distributor: audilo -
23 landline phone – telephone, cordless
Model: Telefon PowerTel Manufacturer: Audioline GmbH Distributor: Fachhandel -
24 landline phone – telephone, cordless
Model: Remoset IR-Telefonbedienung Manufacturer: CSS MicroSystems GmbH Distributor: CSS MicroSystems GmbH -
25 communication system in real time – telephone aid
Model: Tess Relay Dienste - Gebärdensprach-Dolmetschdienst, Schrift-Dolmetschdienst Manufacturer: Tess Relay-Dienste Distributor: Tess Relay-Dienste -
26 communication system in real time – telephone aid
Model: Schreibtelefon Telescrit 2008 Manufacturer: ghe-ces electronic ag Distributor: ghe-ces electronic ag -
27 mobile phone – mobile phone
Model: emporia ACTIVE Manufacturer: emporia Telecom Produktions- und Vertriebs GesmbH & Co KG Distributor: emporia Telecom Produktions- und Vertriebs GesmbH & Co KG | Fachhandel -
28 mobile phone – mobile phone
Model: Pushphone OK Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: HR Direkt Verkauf GmbH -
29 mobile phone – mobile phone
Model: emporia COMFORT Manufacturer: emporia Telecom Produktions- und Vertriebs GesmbH & Co KG Distributor: emporia Telecom Produktions- und Vertriebs GesmbH & Co KG -
30 mobile phone – mobile phone
Model: Carephone / Carephone 2 Manufacturer: Vertretung Deutschland Mobi-Click Distributor: Vertretung Deutschland Mobi-Click -
31 mobile phone – mobile phone
Model: Senior Tel / Senior Tel Plus mit Notruftaste Manufacturer: Vertretung Deutschland Mobi-Click Distributor: Vertretung Deutschland Mobi-Click -
32 telephone – mobile phone
Model: Scalla-3 Combo Großtastentelefon mit Sprachfunktion Manufacturer: HUMANTECHNIK GmbH Distributor: Deutscher Hilfsmittelvertrieb gem. GmbH | Reha-Com-Tech