Personal monitoring and tracking
People who are still mobile but often disoriented need constant local monitoring for their personal protection.
Wristbands or other measuring devices detect conspicuous movements or people leaving a certain area and forward the information to a reporting center. In addition, these people can be located via GPS (Global Positioning System). Footfall mats in front of doors or beds signal when people enter or leave certain locations.
Products (16)
1 emergency alarm system – app
Model: HandHelp - NOTRUF NOTFALL APP Manufacturer: HandHelp UG Distributor: Google Ireland Limited | Amazon Europe Core S.à r.l. -
2 emergency alarm system – private emergency call
Model: libifyMobil 2.0 Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Libify Technologies GmbH -
3 tracking and monitoring
Model: ThevoSmart ONE Manufacturer: Thomas Hilfen für Körperbehinderte GmbH & Co. Medico KG Distributor: Thomas Hilfen für Körperbehinderte GmbH & Co. Medico KG -
4 tracking and monitoring
Model: SensFloor Drucksensorsystem Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Future-Shape GmbH -
5 tracking and monitoring
Model: SensFloor – ein großflächiger Sensorboden Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Future-Shape GmbH -
6 tracking and monitoring
Model: Sensorsystem SESY Manufacturer: IQfy GmbH Distributor: IQfy GmbH -
7 tracking and monitoring
Model: Funk-Schwesternrufanlagen Desorientiertensysteme Manufacturer: Multiton Elektronik Internatrional GmbH Distributor: Multiton Elektronik Internatrional GmbH -
8 tracking and monitoring
Model: Sensormatte CareMat Manufacturer: BBC Bircher AG Distributor: BBC Bircher AG -
9 tracking and monitoring
Model: Out-of-bed-System – Sicherheit Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Stiegelmeyer GmbH & Co. GmbH -
10 tracking and monitoring
Model: GPS Personentracker TE207S Manufacturer: TiProNet Distributor: TiProNet -
11 tracking and monitoring
Model: GPS-UHR TV-680 Manufacturer: TiProNet Distributor: TiProNet -
12 tracking and monitoring
Model: Raphael-home Dementenschutz-System Manufacturer: Elektrotechnik Martin GmbH & Co.KG Distributor: Syscon-Martin Healthcare GmbH -
13 tracking and monitoring
Model: Livy Alive Manufacturer: HUM Systems GmbH Distributor: HUM Systems GmbH -
14 tracking and monitoring
Model: VitaGuard VG 2100 Manufacturer: GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik AG Distributor: GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik AG -
15 tracking and monitoring
Model: Siss BabyControl plus Manufacturer: SCHULTE-ELEKTRONIK GmbH Distributor: SCHULTE-ELEKTRONIK GmbH | SANIMED GmbH -
16 tracking and monitoring
Model: MOBI Manufacturer: TOPRO GmbH Distributor: TOPRO GmbH