Assistive Product Tunstall Hausnotruf-System Lifeline Vi

Product Type:

Home emergency call device with cordless wireless emergency call button

Areas of Application:

  • Alarm system
  • Emergency alarm system
  • Personal alarm
  • Home emergency call
  • Wireless emergency call

Features / Components:

  • Connection to an analog TAE socket or router with TAE socket - Calls acquaintances, friends and family members when the red button is triggered until someone acknowledges - Up to 10 different numbers are "answered" in sequence. Router with TAE socket
  • calls acquaintances, friends, family members when the red button is triggered until someone acknowledges the emergency call
  • up to 10 different numbers are "phoned off" in sequence
  • hands-free option for emergency calls: you can talk to the person calling for help if they are near the base.
  • can also be used for activity monitoring can also be used for activity monitoring (triggers an alarm if a button is not pressed every day)
  • integrated temperature sensor
  • rechargeable battery in the base to protect against power failures
  • hands-free calling and telephoning possible via the base (answering only)
  • supplied call button is water-resistant and can be worn when showering, for example E.g. can be worn when showering

Price (without guarantee):

379.00 EUR
(end consumer price incl. VAT)
Price date: 06.11.2024

Product Information from the Manufacturer / Distributor:

Further Product Details

Further Information

REHADAT does not sell any products

Please contact the manufacturer or distributor.


Tunstall GmbH
Orkotten 66
48291 Telgte
Germany Telephone: 02504 701-0 Email: Homepage:


Syscon-Martin Healthcare GmbH
Seniorentechnik Martin - Christian Martin
Bockhorster Landweg 30a
33775 Versmold
Germany Telephone: 05423 4734-0 Email: Homepage:

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Last Update: 6 Nov 2024