Assistive Product MS-Tagebuch

Product Type:

App as a symptom diary (patient diary) for multiple sclerosis

Areas of Application:

  • for patients with multiple sclerosis


The app is a symptom diary for patients with multiple sclerosis. The app can be used to continuously document symptoms.
The diary makes it easier to recognize correlations between daily lows and highs and the respective situation and to adjust the daily routine accordingly. In addition, documenting symptoms serves as a basis for visiting the doctor.

Features / Components:

  • individual diary setup (e.g. pre-selection of symptoms and medication)
  • diary entry for several symptoms including situation description
  • display of entries as graph or calendar view
  • comparison of individual or several symptoms in selected time window
  • instructions for efficient documentation
  • individually configurable reminder function (e.g. for diary entry). E.g. for diary entry)
  • version: 1.2
  • size: 5.3 MB
  • language: German
  • compatibility: requires iOS 7.0 or newer
  • compatible with iPhone and iPod touch

Price (without guarantee):

The price is available on request from the manufacturer / distributor.

Product Information from the Manufacturer / Distributor:

Further Product Details

Further Information

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Please contact the manufacturer or distributor.


Deutsche Multiple Sklerose Gesellschaft Bundesverband e. V.
Krausenstr. 50
30171 Hannover
Germany Telephone: 0511 96834-0 Email: Homepage:


Apple Inc. (iTunes)
1 Infinite Loop
CA 95014 Cupertino
United States Email: Homepage:

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Last Update: 30 May 2023