Diary and planner
These products are used to clearly structure and plan the day, week or year.
For example, there are diaries written in large print or in pictograms for people with visual or cognitive impairments.
Products (24)
1 wrist watch – prototype
Model: Zeitkompass Manufacturer: INCLUSYS UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Distributor: keine Angaben -
2 memory aid – app
Model: Medisafe Meds & Pillenalarm Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Google Ireland Limited -
3 memory aid – app
Model: MS-Tagebuch Manufacturer: Deutsche Multiple Sklerose Gesellschaft Bundesverband e. V. Distributor: Apple Inc. (iTunes) -
4 memory aid – app
Model: myBETAapp Manufacturer: Bayer Vital GmbH Distributor: Apple Inc. (iTunes) | Google Ireland Limited -
5 memory aid – app
Model: MyTherapy Erinnerung an Tabletten & Medikamente Manufacturer: smartpatient gmbh Distributor: Apple Inc. (iTunes) -
6 memory aid – app
Model: Makula-App Manufacturer: AMD-Netz e.V. Distributor: Google Ireland Limited | Apple Inc. (iTunes) -
7 calendar
Model: Wandkalender Tagesabreißkalender Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Landeshilfsmittelzentrum des Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband Sachsen e. V. -
8 calendar
Model: Pictogenda Wandkalender 2025 METACOM Manufacturer: Prelum Medizinische Medien und Fortbildung GmbH Distributor: Prelum Medizinische Medien und Fortbildung GmbH -
9 calendar
Model: Pictogenda Wandkalender 2025 Manufacturer: Prelum Medizinische Medien und Fortbildung GmbH Distributor: Prelum Medizinische Medien und Fortbildung GmbH -
10 calendar
Model: Taschenkalender Flexi, Kurzschrift Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Landeshilfsmittelzentrum des Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband Sachsen e. V. | Deutsches Zentrum für barrierefreies Lesen (dzb lesen) -
11 calendar – app
Model: Independo 2.0 Manufacturer: Independo GmbH Distributor: Google Ireland Limited | Apple Inc. (iTunes) -
12 calendar – weekly calendar – appointment planner – appointment calendar
Model: Pictogenda Terminplaner 2025 METACOM Manufacturer: Prelum Medizinische Medien und Fortbildung GmbH Distributor: Prelum Medizinische Medien und Fortbildung GmbH -
13 calendar – weekly calendar – appointment planner – appointment calendar
Model: Pictogenda Terminplaner 2025 Manufacturer: Prelum Medizinische Medien und Fortbildung GmbH Distributor: Prelum Medizinische Medien und Fortbildung GmbH -
14 short-distance communication – activity board
Model: Kommunikationsmappe A6 Manufacturer: Eklee Distributor: Eklee -
15 short-distance communication – activity board
Model: Mobiler Planer Manufacturer: Eklee Distributor: Eklee -
16 short-distance communication – activity board
Model: Dreieck Standard Manufacturer: Eklee Distributor: Eklee -
17 short-distance communication – activity board
Model: Sprechende Piktogrammwand Manufacturer: Eklee Distributor: Eklee -
18 short-distance communication – speech education – speech therapy
Model: Anybook Reader Manufacturer: Millennium 2000 Digital GmbH -
19 daily schedule planner / activity planner
Model: MEMO Dayboard Manufacturer: Abilia AB Distributor: Abilia AB -
20 daily schedule planner / activity planner
Model: Magnetic Board Manufacturer: Eklee Distributor: Eklee -
21 daily schedule planner / activity planner – training of basic skills – training of understanding of time – educational clock
Model: Digitaler Timer Manufacturer: Eklee Distributor: Eklee -
22 training of basic skills – training of understanding of time – educational clock – daily schedule planner / activity planner
Model: ZEIT:FREUND Die leichte Uhr Manufacturer: Lebenshilfe für Menschen mit Behinderung Kreisvereinigung Detmold e.V. Distributor: Lebenshilfe für Menschen mit Behinderung Kreisvereinigung Detmold e.V. -
23 training of basic skills – training of understanding of time – educational clock – daily schedule planner / activity planner
Model: Time Timer mit akustischem Signal Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Sport-Thieme GmbH -
24 clock – app
Model: neuroTime Manufacturer: neuroTime GmbH Distributor: neuroTime GmbH