Character readers, reading systems, reading/speaking devices
Sign readers, reading systems or speech-reading devices can be used in the case of visual impairment.
Texts are scanned and output in braille or as a spoken audio file so that they are then accessible to people with visual impairments or blindness. There are compact devices that function independently as well as individual parts that only work in combination with a computer.
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Products (40)
1 braille keyboard – voice synthesiser – computer
Model: Gaudio-Voice Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Gaudio-Braille -
2 reading aid, non-optical
Model: Sprechende Briefkarte Manufacturer: Talking Products Ltd Distributor: Eklee -
3 short-distance communication – dialogue unit – sign reader
Model: Vasco Translator M3 Manufacturer: Vasco Electronics LLC Distributor: Vasco Electronics Kundenservice -
4 orientation aid, electronic – app
Model: blindFind Manufacturer: visorApps -
5 orientation aid, electronic – app
Model: NaviLens Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Apple Inc. (iTunes) | Google Ireland Limited -
6 sign reader
Model: OrCam Read Manufacturer: OrCam Technologies Ltd. Distributor: Gaudio-Braille | VISTAC GmbH -
7 sign reader
Model: OrCam MyEye Manufacturer: OrCam Technologies Ltd. Distributor: Gaudio-Braille | VISTAC GmbH | Blinden Hilfsmittel Vertrieb Dresden (BHVD) -
8 sign reader
Model: Open Book Manufacturer: Freedom Scientific European Headquarters Distributor: IPD Infosystem Produktion und Distribution GmbH -
9 sign reader
Model: Poet Compact 2 / Poet Compact 2+ Manufacturer: VisioBraille GmbH Distributor: VisioBraille GmbH | Rohrmüller Computer/Reha-Technik -
10 sign reader
Model: Scannerlesesystem Leselöwe Manufacturer: SynPhon Elektronische Hilfen für Sehgeschädigte GmbH Distributor: SynPhon Elektronische Hilfen für Sehgeschädigte GmbH -
11 sign reader
Model: PEARL Manufacturer: Freedom Scientific European Headquarters Distributor: IPD Infosystem Produktion und Distribution GmbH | Rohrmüller Computer/Reha-Technik -
12 sign reader
Model: Envision Glasses Pro Manufacturer: Envision Distributor: IPD Infosystem Produktion und Distribution GmbH -
13 sign reader
Model: Sophie Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Help Tech GmbH -
14 sign reader
Model: Exam Reader 2 Manufacturer: Scanning Pens Holdings Ltd Distributor: Scanning Pens Holdings Ltd -
15 sign reader
Model: Exam Reader Manufacturer: Scanning Pens Holdings Ltd Distributor: Scanning Pens Holdings Ltd -
16 sign reader
Model: VOXbox Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Reinecker Vision GmbH -
17 sign reader
Model: LingoPen Manufacturer: Scanning Pens Holdings Ltd Distributor: Scanning Pens Holdings Ltd | Reinecker Prolexia GmbH -
18 sign reader
Model: Lesephon Notebook Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: AASB Arbeitsplatz - Ausstattung für Sehbehinderte und Blinde -
19 sign reader
Model: VOXbox pro Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Reinecker Vision GmbH -
20 sign reader
Model: C-Pen Connect Manufacturer: Scanning Pens Holdings Ltd Distributor: Scanning Pens Holdings Ltd -
21 sign reader
Model: Smart Reader HD Manufacturer: EV OPTRON GmbH Distributor: EV OPTRON GmbH -
22 sign reader
Model: steller LS Manufacturer: Novotech GmbH Distributor: Novotech GmbH | steller-technology GmbH & Co. KG -
23 sign reader
Model: hedoScan B BR-SPR Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: hedo Reha-Technik GmbH -
24 sign reader
Model: hedoScan M Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: hedo Reha-Technik GmbH -
25 sign reader
Model: LS20 CR+ Basic / Komfort Manufacturer: Optelec Nederland B.V. Distributor: Optelec GmbH | Rohrmüller Computer/Reha-Technik -
26 sign reader – app
Model: Smartphone-App Envision Manufacturer: Envision Distributor: Envision -
27 sign reader – app
Model: Seeing AI Manufacturer: Microsoft Deutschland GmbH Distributor: Apple Inc. (iTunes) -
28 sign reader – braille display
Model: Tactonom Reader Manufacturer: Inventivio GmbH Distributor: Inventivio GmbH -
29 sign reader – talking product identifier
Model: EinkaufsFuchs Produkterkennungsgerät Manufacturer: SynPhon Elektronische Hilfen für Sehgeschädigte GmbH Distributor: SynPhon Elektronische Hilfen für Sehgeschädigte GmbH -
30 sign reader – talking product identifier
Model: PennyTalks Etiketten-Lesegerät Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Landeshilfsmittelzentrum des Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband Sachsen e. V. -
31 sign reader – talking product identifier
Model: PenFriend 3 Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Blinden Hilfsmittel Vertrieb Dresden (BHVD) -
32 sign reader – talking product identifier
Model: Foxy Reader Set Manufacturer: CareTec International GmbH Distributor: CareTec International GmbH -
33 sign reader – talking product identifier
Model: DL Tag It Manufacturer: Draeger Lienert GmbH & Co. KG Distributor: Draeger Lienert GmbH & Co. KG -
34 sign reader – talking product identifier
Model: Arbeitshandschuh ProGlove mit Scanner Manufacturer: Proglove Distributor: Proglove -
35 sign reader – prototype
Model: BrailleWear Handschuh Manufacturer: ORama AI Distributor: keine Angaben -
36 sign reader – RFID-system
Model: RFID-Systeme Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: keine Angaben -
37 sign reader – software for voice output – output software
Model: MagniLink PCViewer / MagniLink MacViewer Manufacturer: LVI Low Vision International AB Distributor: LVI Deutschland GmbH -
38 sign reader – software for voice output – output software
Model: MagniLink PCViewer Standalone Manufacturer: LVI Low Vision International AB Distributor: LVI Deutschland GmbH -
39 sign reader – magnifying software
Model: ClearView Go 15 Manufacturer: Optelec Nederland B.V. Distributor: Optelec GmbH | F.H. Papenmeier GmbH & Co.KG -
40 sign reader – magnifying software
Model: ZoomCam Manufacturer: KOBA Vision bv Distributor: Help Tech GmbH