Assistive Product TactiPad Zeichenbrett

Product Type:

Drawing board

Areas of Application:

  • Visually impaired
  • Blindness
  • Keeping score in a game
  • Wall mounted memo board
  • Doing homework e.g. math or geography
  • Making greeting cards or supporting other creative expressions
  • Making pie charts and other diagrams
  • Making a map of the environment or using it as a map while carrying the drawing board with a shoulder strap Description: The TactiPad is a versatile drawing board that enables people with visual impairments to use it as a drawing board. Use as a map while carrying the drawing board with the shoulder strap


The TactiPad is a versatile drawing board that enables people with visual impairments to create their own drawings. The principle is based on an embossing technique in which the sheet - a special drawing foil - is "worked on" either with a pen or another pointed object by applying strong pressure. The drawing foil is placed on a rubber base, which creates raised, tactile lines when drawing. The ergonomic design makes it easier to handle and therefore easier to draw.

GraphGrid and CircleFrame for additional features:
Two additional drawing tools are available alongside the regular tools to further expand the display options on the TactiPad.
GraphGrid is the equivalent of grid paper. Rubber bands can be used to add a grid to the drawing area. This can be used, for example, to create tables or for repeating patterns or graphs and other mathematical drawings.

The CircleFrame is used to create circular drawings with great accuracy. This drawing tool makes it easy to create circular diagrams, the face of a clock or other interesting circular patterns and motifs.

Price (without guarantee):

347.75 EUR
(retail price incl. VAT)
Price date: 19.05.2023

Product Information from the Manufacturer / Distributor:

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Blista-Brailletec Gemeinnützige GmbH
für Blinden- und Sehbehindertentechnik
Tom-Mutters-Str. 11
35041 Marburg
Germany Telephone: 06421 802-0 Email: Homepage:

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Last Update: 24 Sep 2024