Assistive Product Lesehilfe für Linkshänder

Product Type:

Reading mask for left-handedness

Areas of Application:

  • Left-handedness
  • Dyslexia


As left-handers have a different line of vision to right-handers, this reading aid is helpful. With left-handedness, the direction of gaze runs from right to left, but as our reading direction runs from left to right, the left-handed child's eye often slides to the right and tries to incorporate letters into a word too early. With the reading aid, this area is covered and the word can be built up correctly letter by letter.
As eye-hand coordination is important, the fingertips of the left-handed reading hand are also printed on so that the child is reminded of the important reading hand (which now replaces the usual index finger). This reading aid is now also used for right-handed children with reading difficulties or dyslexics.

Price (without guarantee):

The price is available on request from the manufacturer / distributor.

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Joey Bayer
Niedernstr. 42
31655 Stadthagen
Germany Telephone: 05721 8991338 Email: Homepage:

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Last Update: 22 Oct 2024