Hearing aids

Hearing aids are designed to improve hearing. A distinction is made between two groups:

  1. Behind-the-ear (BTE) devices are worn behind the pinna. They amplify the sound in the outer ear canals. Since the ear canal is open, there is a natural hearing sensation and good ventilation of the ear. In addition, there is usually an interface to telephones or FM systems. These devices are suitable in cases of severe hearing loss.
  2. In-the-ear (ITE) devices sit completely in the pinna and ear canal. They are barely noticeable and do not pose a problem for people with glasses. They also provide good directional hearing as well as natural sound. However, due to the different ear shapes, the devices must be custom made and there is a risk of ear canal blockage. These devices are suitable for mild to moderate hearing loss.

Here you will find only an exemplary extract from the hearing aid market. A larger overview can be found in the Statuatory Health Insurance's Medical Technical Aids Register in product group 13.

Today's devices work digitally: the sound picked up by a microphone is converted into a digital signal and amplified. Finally, a loudspeaker transmits the amplified sound to the eardrum via an earpiece. Hearing aids require batteries; rarely are they offered with rechargeable batteries.

The fitting by the hearing care professional plays an essential role in the provision of hearing aids. They perform audiological measurements, adjust suitable devices individually to the hearing loss and offer them for testing in everyday life.

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