Assistive Product DocMed Karten-Lady

Product Type:

Gripping arm for parking ticket machines


With the gripping arm you can remove or insert parking tickets from the car, if the distance for the arms are too large.
With the head of the gripping rod you press the button on the ticket machine. The card itself is removed with the telescopic rod, and the red lever must be at the top.
When reinserting the card for exit, the red lever is at the bottom, so that the card can be inserted and released.
The rod can be attached with a bracket to the ventilation grille of the air exit nozzles.

Price (without guarantee):

17.49 EUR including VAT (Amazon)
End user price

Product Information from the Manufacturer / Distributor:

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Further Information

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Please contact the manufacturer or distributor.


WUNDmed GmbH & Co. KG
Dieselstr. 5
91183 Abenberg
Germany Telephone: 09178/99820-0 Email: Homepage:


Amazon Europe Core S.à r.l.
38 avenue John F. Kennedy
1855 Luxemburg
Luxembourg Homepage:

Technical Data:

Length, extended: 72 cm



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Last Update: 24 Oct 2023