Assistive Product Rollstuhlschaukel

Product Type:

Wheelchair swing


The wheelchair swing was designed to meet the needs of people in wheelchairs. In this way, a gap can be closed in the leisure area of schools and facilities for the disabled for people who cannot play on conventional equipment due to their disability.
The swing enables people in wheelchairs to experience the swinging experience sensually and physically. In addition, therapeutic tasks can be implemented for them, e.g. in the area of vestibular perception promotion.
People with intact motor skills in their upper extremities can operate the swing themselves with slight support and set it in motion.
The swing with a platform for the wheelchair and an assurance frame is available for indoor and outdoor use.

Features / Components:

  • Frame made of square steel tube 80/4 mm
  • Swing joints
  • Articulated frame with 8 ball bearings
  • Locking bracket with protective padding
  • Concrete foundations
  • Special design for indoor use with ceiling attachment

Price (without guarantee):

16.999.00 EUR including VAT (sales)
Retail price

Product Information from the Manufacturer / Distributor:

Further Product Details

Further Information

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Please contact the manufacturer or distributor.


KOLLER Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH
Bruchkampweg 5
29227 Celle
Germany Telephone: 05141 9898-0 Email: Homepage:


Sport-Thieme GmbH
Helmstedter Str. 40
38368 Grasleben
Germany Telephone: 05357 18181 Email: Homepage:

Technical Data:

Swing platform: 280 x 250 x 245 cm
Maximum knee height: 63 cm
Clear swing height: 237 cm
Space required: 500 x 350 cm
Load capacity: 400 kg
Safety area: 7.00 x 5.00 m
Fall protection: 30.00 sqm
Fall height: 1.50 m
Age: from 6 years



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Last Update: 11 Dec 2023