Special instruments or add-on products for commercially available instruments are intended to provide access to music making for everyone.
These can be used for therapeutic purposes or simply to pursue a hobby. Special learning materials and music stands can be used additionally.
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Products (32)
1 artistic education – training of musical skills – audio cd
Model: Listen Up! Gesamtpaket CD Manufacturer: MED-EL Elektromedizinische Geräte Gesellschaft m.b.H Distributor: MED-EL Elektromedizinische Geräte Gesellschaft m.b.H -
2 artistic education – training of musical skills – braille music notes
Model: Notenservice DaCapo Manufacturer: Deutsches Zentrum für barrierefreies Lesen (dzb lesen) Distributor: Deutsches Zentrum für barrierefreies Lesen (dzb lesen) -
3 musical instrument
Model: Eyewi Manufacturer: Stichting My Breath My Music Distributor: Stichting My Breath My Music -
4 musical instrument – treatment stretcher
Model: Therapie-Monochord Dosch Manufacturer: ALLTON Harbeke & Hausser OHG Distributor: ALLTON Harbeke & Hausser OHG -
5 musical instrument – treatment stretcher
Model: Monochord-Behandlungsliege, Modell MoMo Manufacturer: ALLTON Harbeke & Hausser OHG Distributor: ALLTON Harbeke & Hausser OHG -
6 musical instrument – flute
Model: Sandner-Flöten Linkshänder-Version Manufacturer: Sandner GmbH Distributor: Sandner GmbH -
7 musical instrument – flute
Model: Silberflöten Linkshand Manufacturer: Mehnert Böhmflötenbau GbR Distributor: Mehnert Böhmflötenbau GbR -
8 musical instrument – flute – recorder
Model: Linkshänder Blockflöte - deutsche Griffweise - 2tlg. Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: LAFÜLIKI -
9 musical instrument – harp
Model: Veeh-Harfen Manufacturer: Hermann Veeh GmbH & CO.KG Distributor: Hermann Veeh GmbH & CO.KG -
10 musical instrument – harp
Model: Bausatz ZAUBERHARFE 21saitig Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Die Zauberharfe -
11 musical instrument – harp – sound game
Model: Aeolis Klangspiele Manufacturer: Äolis-Klangspiele Distributor: Äolis-Klangspiele -
12 musical instrument – sound cradle
Model: ALLTON Klangmassage-Schaukelstuhl Manufacturer: ALLTON Harbeke & Hausser OHG Distributor: ALLTON Harbeke & Hausser OHG -
13 musical instrument – holder for mouth-organ
Model: Mundharmonikahalter Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: KÖNIG & MEYER GmbH & Co. KG -
14 musical instrument – orff instrument
Model: Orff-Instrumente Manufacturer: SONOR GmbH Distributor: SONOR GmbH -
15 musical instrument – pedal control for piano
Model: Beißschiene zur ferngesteuerten Flügel-Pedalsteuerung / Rollstuhlfahrer-Klavier Aktuator-Steuerung Manufacturer: UniversitätsKlinikum Heidelberg Distributor: UniversitätsKlinikum Heidelberg | Steingraeber & Söhne KG -
16 musical instrument – pedal control for piano
Model: Pedaladapter für Behinderte Manufacturer: Michiel van Loon Distributor: Michiel van Loon -
17 musical instrument – rattle
Model: SKSET1 Shaker Set SK30, SK35, SK40 Manufacturer: Schlagwerk GmbH Distributor: Schlagwerk GmbH -
18 musical instrument – rhythm instrument
Model: Klang- und Rhythmikwagen Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Riedel GmbH -
19 musical instrument – saxophone
Model: Adaptives Reisesaxophon Manufacturer: Stichting My Breath My Music Distributor: Stichting My Breath My Music -
20 musical instrument – xylophone – drum
Model: Allton Tischtrommel 60 cm Manufacturer: ALLTON Harbeke & Hausser OHG Distributor: ALLTON Harbeke & Hausser OHG -
21 perception training – perceptual discrimination – stuffed bag seat
Model: Rompa Musik-Sitzsack Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Sport-Thieme GmbH -
22 radio
Model: Albrecht DR 860 Senior Manufacturer: Alan Electronics GmbH Distributor: Deutscher Hilfsmittelvertrieb gem. GmbH -
23 radio
Model: DABPro Manufacturer: Perfectpro Distributor: Fachhandel -
24 radio
Model: MyBox Manufacturer: Perfectpro Distributor: Ergo2Work GmbH -
25 sound recorder and reproducer
Model: ButtonPlayer Manufacturer: kma Solutions UG Distributor: kma Solutions UG -
26 sound recorder and reproducer
Model: Tragbarer TV-Sprachverstärker Oskar Manufacturer: sonoro audio GmbH Distributor: sonoro audio GmbH | revEAR akustik -
27 sound recorder and reproducer – smart speaker
Model: Sonos Move 2 Manufacturer: Sonos Europe B.V. Distributor: Sonos Europe B.V. -
28 sound recorder and reproducer – smart speaker
Model: Sonos Roam 2 Manufacturer: Sonos Europe B.V. Distributor: Sonos Europe B.V. -
29 sound recorder and reproducer – smart speaker
Model: Sonos Era 300 Manufacturer: Sonos Europe B.V. Distributor: Sonos Europe B.V. -
30 sound recorder and reproducer – smart speaker
Model: Sonos Era 100 Manufacturer: Sonos Europe B.V. Distributor: Sonos Europe B.V. -
31 environmental control – remote control system
Model: Google Nest Mini Manufacturer: Google Ireland Limited Distributor: Google Ireland Limited -
32 environmental control – remote control system
Model: Apple HomePod Manufacturer: Apple Inc. Distributor: Apple Inc.