Bedding and bedding aids
Accessories allow the bed to be tailored to specific needs, especially to relieve pressure and protect against allergies.
Anti-allergic bedding is particularly breathable and is designed to reduce the discomfort of allergies in bed.
Incontinence pads protect mattresses from wetness caused by uncontrolled urine leakage. For severe incontinence, there are bed covers made of waterproof materials.
Positioning aids are used to bring individual areas of the body into therapeutically favorable positions and hold them there. They relieve pressure and pain and help prevent pressure sores and contractures.
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Products (23)
1 bedclothes
Model: Zwischenbezüge für Kissen, Decken und Matratzen Allergocover Manufacturer: Allergo Healthcare GmbH Distributor: Allergo Healthcare GmbH -
2 bedclothes
Model: Allergosan Kopfkissen 40 x 80 / Allergosan Kopfkissen 80 x 80 Manufacturer: ADL GmbH Distributor: ADL GmbH -
3 bedclothes
Model: Allergosan Steppdecke, 135 x 200 cm / Allergosan Steppdecke, 155 x 220 cm Manufacturer: ADL GmbH Distributor: ADL GmbH -
4 bedclothes
Model: Somna Comforter (Kettendecke) Manufacturer: Abilia AB Distributor: Senso-Care -
5 bedclothes
Model: Somna Kettenbettdecke Erwachsene Manufacturer: Abilia AB Distributor: Senso-Care -
6 bedclothes
Model: Bettbezug Milbensperre Manufacturer: Sanowell GmbH Distributor: Sanowell GmbH -
7 bedclothes
Model: ACb Comfort Bettbezug Manufacturer: Dr. Beckmann Pharma GmbH Distributor: Dr. Beckmann Pharma GmbH -
8 bedclothes
Model: Kissenbezug Original Improved ACb Balance Manufacturer: Dr. Beckmann Pharma GmbH Distributor: Dr. Beckmann Pharma GmbH -
9 bedclothes
Model: Kissen-Schutzbezüge Gefatex Manufacturer: Rogino-Products GmbH Distributor: Rogino-Products GmbH -
10 bedclothes – head position
Model: Servofill Kissen Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Servoprax GmbH -
11 bedclothes – head position
Model: Servofill Vati-Lagerungskissen Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Servoprax GmbH -
12 bedclothes – positioning aid
Model: Kopf-Nacken-Kissen Sitty SchlafTraum Manufacturer: Werkmeister GmbH + Co. KG Distributor: Werkmeister GmbH + Co. KG -
13 bedclothes – positioning aid
Model: Tempura Original Schlafkissen Manufacturer: PROTENO GmbH Distributor: PROTENO GmbH -
14 bedclothes – positioning aid
Model: Lagerungsrolle Runde Rolle Manufacturer: Lück GmbH & Co. KG Distributor: Sanitärfachhandel -
15 bedclothes – positioning aid
Model: Beinhochlagerungskeil für 1 Bein / Beinhochlagerungskeil für 2 Beine Manufacturer: B.u.W. Schmidt GmbH Distributor: B.u.W. Schmidt GmbH -
16 bedclothes – positioning aid
Model: Sleepy-Venenkissen Manufacturer: ekamed GmbH & Co. KG Distributor: ekamed GmbH & Co. KG -
17 bedclothes – positioning aid
Model: Lück Rhombo-med Multikissen Manufacturer: Lück GmbH & Co. KG Distributor: Sanivita Ludwig Bertram GmbH -
18 bedclothes – positioning aid – positioning cushion
Model: Servofill Gesäßkissen Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Servoprax GmbH -
19 bedclothes – positioning aid – positioning cushion – leg positioning aid
Model: Servofill gekammertes Beinkissen Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Servoprax GmbH -
20 bedclothes – positioning cushion – positioning aid
Model: Servofill Lagerungshörnchen Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Servoprax GmbH -
21 bedclothes – positioning roll – positioning aid
Model: Servofill Lagerungsrollen Manufacturer: keine Angaben Distributor: Servoprax GmbH -
22 positioning aid – positioning wedge
Model: 4FORM Beinunterlegekeil Manufacturer: B.u.W. Schmidt GmbH Distributor: B.u.W. Schmidt GmbH -
23 positioning aid – positioning wedge – positioning cushion
Model: 4FORM Kopfkeilkissen Manufacturer: B.u.W. Schmidt GmbH Distributor: B.u.W. Schmidt GmbH