Assistive Product Großraumkarusselltür GGR

Product Type:

Revolving door

Areas of Application:

  • shopping malls, airports, furniture stores, hotels
  • hospitals, rehabilitation and spa clinics
  • suitable for use in escape and rescue routes


The large capacity revolving door is elegant, energy-saving entrance solution for escape and rescue routes and large public traffic. Access with shopping and baby carriages or wheelchairs is comfortable and safe. In the 3-leaf and 4-leaf versions, the leaves are each divided into two parts and held stable by electromagnets during normal operation. In the event of fire, power failure or activation of the emergency button, the restraint is released and the moving leaves can be folded away around the central column in the direction of escape. Due to its large dimensions, the door is operated fully automatically and is protected by safety contact strips on the moving leaves, collision protection sensors and pre-post sensors in accordance with the current DIN 18650 standard.

Features / Components:

  • elegant and energy-saving
  • with or without center display case, night shutter or lighting
  • wide range of options and design possibilities
  • travelling and fixed sensors for assurance
  • diameter: 3600 to 6200 mm
  • clear passage height: 2100 to 2500 mm
  • clear passage width 3-leaf: approx. 1690 to 2911 mm
  • clear passage width 4-leaf: approx. 2455 to 4228 mm
  • passing with shopping carts, baby carriages and wheelchairs is possible
  • special dimensions on request

Price (without guarantee):

The price is available on request from the manufacturer / distributor.

Product Information from the Manufacturer / Distributor:

Further Product Details

Further Information

REHADAT does not sell any products

Please contact the manufacturer or distributor.


Gretsch-Unitas GmbH
Johann-Maus-Str. 3
71254 Ditzingen
Germany Telephone: 07156 301-0 Email: Homepage:


Gretsch-Unitas GmbH
Johann-Maus-Str. 3
71254 Ditzingen
Germany Telephone: 07156 301-0 Email: Homepage:

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Last Update: 10 Mar 2022