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Case Study
From workshop for disabled people to permanent employment in production


The company manufactures conveyor belt components with its eight employees.

Employer's comment on the employee's occupational participation:
"The fact that my employee had previously worked in a workshop for disabled people was not important to me. It was only important to me that he could cope with the tasks here. During the internship, he showed that he could do it, and I hired him. He's become more confident and independent at work as well as in his personal life - he's getting more confident."

Employee's disability and functional impairment:

The man has an intellectual disability. He has limitations in learning, memorising and grasping complex relationships as well as processes. He therefore needs individual, clearly structured and not too complex work instructions and correspondingly adapted training.

Transition school - workshop for disabled people - general labour market:
The man attended a special school with a focus on mental development. As he was unable to find a workplace after his vocational training due to a lack of skills, he was placed in a workshop for disabled people (WfbM) by the rehabilitation team of the employment agency. Within the framework of the three-month initial procedure in the WfbM, the first step was to determine which jobs he could be employed in and to determine vocational and personal support accordingly. After the initial procedure, the practical skills (metalworking, material transport with industrial trucks or pallet trucks, etc.), performance and personal development were trained and promoted for two years in the vocational training area. This was followed by further employment in the locksmith's shop of the WfbM. During his time in the sheltered workshop, the man had developed to such an extent that, at his own request and with the help of a specialist integration service, he was able to be placed in an internship at a forging company. Despite good performance, however, he could not be taken on there. In a further six-week internship with his current employer, the man was initially employed in all areas. At the beginning he had to learn a lot of new things. However, he was gradually introduced to the tasks during this time. After the end of the internship, the man was permanently employed by the employer due to his good performance.

Workplace and work task:

The disabled employee is used as a helper in all areas of the company. For example, he transports material for production with an electric pallet truck or grinds pipes. In doing so, colleagues continue to take into account that they give him the work orders one after the other.

Assistive products used:

hand-guided pallet trucks (pallet trucks)

Employee's own account of job participation:
"My new colleagues immediately welcomed me and showed me what work needed to be done. When my boss asked me if I was confident enough to grind
something, I tried it out with him. I now often grind pipes and have developed my own style in the process."


The electric pallet truck required for the new workplace created by the employer was funded by the Integration Office. The employer also received a recruitment premium and a wage subsidy from the Integration Office. The granting of the recruitment premium and the wage cost subsidy were made possible by special support programmes.

ICF Items

Reference Number:


Last Update: 25 May 2012