Working platforms and lifting tables
Working platforms and lifting tables are suitable for assembly, repair, loading between ramp and truck bed, or as a storage place for materials.
A working platform is a platform for work at great heights. Entry and exit is usually at ground level. As a standing area for personnel, working platforms should have protective railings, a bolt lock to prevent slipping and a non-slip standing surface for assurance.
Lifting tables (also known as elevating tables) are used primarily for feeding materials to production machines at heights not as great as working platforms. They are available in a variety of load capacity units, (electro-)hydraulic lifting heights and platform sizes, as scissor lift tables or lifters, as stationary or mobile versions.
Lift tables with an elevator function are suitable for people in wheelchairs, for example. Here you can find lifting platforms and wheel chair lifts for people in wheelchairs.
Products (12)
1 lifting and change of position
Model: FE Flachformhubtische Manufacturer: FLEXLIFT Hubgeräte GmbH Distributor: FLEXLIFT Hubgeräte GmbH -
2 lifting and change of position
Model: Scherenhubtisch SHT Manufacturer: VENTZKI GmbH Distributor: VENTZKI GmbH -
3 lifting and change of position
Model: Tischunterteil HA 500/300NG Manufacturer: HÖSL Hebetechnik Distributor: HÖSL Hebetechnik -
4 lifting and change of position
Model: Flachscherenhubtisch HTF Manufacturer: Columbus McKinnon Engineered Products GmbH Distributor: Columbus McKinnon Engineered Products GmbH -
5 lifting and change of position
Model: Flexfit FMA Manufacturer: FLEXLIFT Hubgeräte GmbH Distributor: FLEXLIFT Hubgeräte GmbH -
6 lifting and change of position
Model: Bettenhebegerät und Bettenstapelgerät Manufacturer: Loewenfeld Hebegeräte für Klinikbetten Distributor: Loewenfeld Hebegeräte für Klinikbetten -
7 lifting and change of position – lifting platform
Model: DAUTEL Lifter Serie DL Manufacturer: Dautel GmbH Distributor: Dautel GmbH -
8 lifting and change of position – lifting platform
Model: Mauerbühne 2000 / Mauerbühne 3000 Manufacturer: Layher Bautechnik GmbH Distributor: Nikolaus Winterer Baugeräte -
9 lifting and change of position – lifting platform
Model: Mastkletterbühne MCP 750 / Mastkletterbühne MCP 1500 Manufacturer: GEDA-Dechentreiter GmbH & Co. KG Distributor: GEDA-Dechentreiter GmbH & Co. KG -
10 lifting and change of position – lifting platform
Model: Teleskopgelenkbühne Typ MTG Manufacturer: Michaelis Maschinenbau GmbH Distributor: Michaelis Maschinenbau GmbH -
11 lifting and change of position – lifting table – welding table
Model: Hydraulische Tischunterteile Manufacturer: HÖSL Hebetechnik Distributor: HÖSL Hebetechnik -
12 work bench
Model: Montagetisch MT 1 Manufacturer: Tischlerei Guido Einemann Distributor: Tischlerei Guido Einemann