Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is an occupational health and safety measure. Noise in the workplace is a potential health hazard when the noise reaches a daily noise exposure level of 85
dB (A) and above. Hearing protection is required in this case.
This results in special requirements for people with hearing aids: Speech and important signals must be heard, but at the same time hearing must be protected from further damage.
AS HÖRLUCHS ICP (Insulating Communication Plastic) hearing systems are approved by the building authorities for use in noise workplaces. The system consists of a hearing aid with a specially developed noise workplace program and a hearing protection plastic (HAWEI ICP) approved for this purpose. The hearing system is thus 100% PPE (personal protective equipment) as well as 100% medical device listed in the medical technical aids register. This means that the hearing aid can also be fully used for private use.
ICP hearing systems effectively attenuate noise, while information such as voices and warning signals can still be heard clearly. The wearer's individual hearing loss is compensated and the ear is protected at the same time. Depending on the degree of hearing loss, different models are available to the hearing care professional for individual adaptations to the wearer's hearing ability, including Bluetooth for connection to other communication units.
The price is available on request from the manufacturer / distributor.