About REHADAT-Assistive Products

REHADAT-Assistive Products offers a neutral overview of assistive products and technical work aids in Germany as well as comprehensive background knowledge. With our collection we contribute to an individual and need-oriented supply in everyday life and job. However, we do not sell any of the listed products.

Our goal is to create transparency and educate with sound and relevant information:

  • We monitor the assistive products market and look for new technologies that can support people with disabilities.
  • All products are independent of cost bearer, vendor neutral and comparably described with features and illustrations.
  • We map the Statuatory Health Insurance's Medical Technical aids register as a separate additional application. Products with SHI-assistive product numbers are directly linked to it.
  • We bundle information on the financing of assistive products, technical work aids and barrier-free conversions.
  • Assistive device companies can list their products with us free of charge.
  • We offer online seminars on the provision of assistive products and financing.
  • We attend trade fairs and events - we have our own stand at the REHACARE, REHAB and A+A trade fairs.
  • We keep you up to date with news and Twitter.
  • Our FAQ provides answers to frequently asked questions about assistive products.

This portal is part of the REHADAT range of information. REHADAT is a project of the Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln e. V., funded by the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS) from the Equalization Fund. For more information about REHADAT, please click here.

REHADAT is a partner in the global assistive products network EASTIN.